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Thoughts about Truly Cultivating Ourselves

July 15, 2007 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, I became very puzzled because I felt it was about time I had a big break through in my cultivation. I remained puzzled until last night when I discussed it with my husband who is also a practitioner. Then, everything became clear.

I do the three things diligently but I often fail xinxing tests because I have failed to truly cultivate myself. I didn't take the strict xinxing requirements seriously and failed to unconditionally look inward when conflicts arose. We are cultivators, not debaters; we do not debate who is right and who is wrong. Discussing right and wrong is a principle of an ordinary person's level. As cultivators, even when we are right, there must be human sentimentality involved for us to encounter this conflict. I didn't do well in this regard, so whenever something affected my heart, it aroused my human sentimentality. I was following the principles of the old universe, and I did not raise myself to the same level as the principles of the new universe. When I emphasized how I was right, it created an omission that allowed the old forces to reinforce my thinking, and I fell into following the principles of the old universe. I diligently studied the Fa and sent forth righteous thoughts, but I didn't fundamentally negate the old forces.

If I don't consistently look inward during conflicts, doesn't it mean that I have not held myself to the principles of the Fa? If I am doing things following the principles of the old universe, how can I become a god in the new universe? I must truly cultivate myself to remove all my remaining attachments so that I can truly assimilate with and genuinely follow the Fa and become a god in the new universe.