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Ms. Li Xiaoyan Has Kidney Failure Due to Torture in Shandong Forced Labor Camp

July 26, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Xiaoyan from Suizhong County, Liaoning Province, is being illegally detained in the first ward of the Shandong Province First Women's Labor Camp. Her arms, legs, and face are now swollen due to torture in the labor camp. The doctors say that she now has kidney failure.

Ms. Li Xiaoyan's severe symptoms are the result of torture in the labor camp. Since the middle of April 2007, her feet have been swollen. Since May 20, the swelling has become severe. Later, her legs, arms, and face also became swollen. She has backaches and is easily fatigued.

On June 22, she was taken to the prison clinic for a check-up. Tests revealed that her heart was malfunctioning, her kidneys were not functioning, and the protein level in her urine was dangerously high.

The head of the prison guards in the first ward said if she wanted to be treated, she must be treated in the designated hospital: the Armed Police Hospital of Shandong Province. She would also responsible for all the medical expenses.

Practitioner Ms. Li was arrested on December 23, 2006 on a train with three other practitioners. They were taken to the Jinan City Train Station Detention Center by the Jinzhou Railway police. On January 11, 2007, she was sentenced to one and one half years of imprisonment and was sent to the Shandong Province First Women's Forced Labor Camp. Her 70-year-old mother went to the labor camp several times to see her daughter, but she was turned away each time.


The Shandong Province First Women's Labor Camp: 86-531-8855-5040-080170 or 86-531-8855-2194
Director Jiang Lihang (female, in her 50s), Liu Yulan (female), Yang (female, given name unknown), Hou Xiuyun (female): 86-531-88931747
Party Secretary Diao Chunfeng, male, in his 50s