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Taiwan: Legislative Members Condemn Hong Kong's Violent Deportation of Falun Gong Practitioners (Photos)

July 30, 2007 |   By a practitioner from Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioners from Taiwan have visited many Legislative Members and representatives, regarding the violent deportation in Hong Kong and the Human Rights Torch Relay, seeking support.

Legislative Member Gao Sibo supports Falun Gong practitioners

On July 25, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners from Tainan visited Legislative Member Gao Sibo. LM Gao expressed his support for the practitioners. He promised to propose a resolution to condemn the deportation and attend the Human Rights Torch Relay activities.

Du Meihsian, a Falun Gong practitioner, pointed out that the deportation is related to the safety of Taiwan, but the media in Taiwan could not see this point and didn't report it enough. She said many Taiwanese could not recognize the evil nature of the CCP.

LM Gao Sibo pointed out that 1) it was wrong that the Taiwanese airlines provided the list of Falun Gong practitioners passengers to the Hong Kong government; 2) if similar things happen again, then the agency of the Taiwanese government in Hong Kong should help; 3) the international media should expose the evil behavior of the CCP.

The Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) declared that if the persecution of Falun Gong doesn't stop before August 8, 2007, CIPFG will call upon all the powers of justice in the world to boycott the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. The CIPFG will start a Human Rights Torch Relay to expose the CCP's violation of human rights, and call upon the international society to stop the Olympic Games from becoming the "bloody games."

LM Gao Sibo agrees that the Human Rights Torch Relay is a good way to improve the human rights situation in China. He signed his name on the announcement to support the activity.

On July 22, Falun Gong practitioners visited County Council Member Li Shibin of Pingtung. Mr. Li expressed that the CCP violates human rights, and he himself is one of the victims. He is on the blacklist of the CCP and he is not welcomed in China. He cannot get a visa to go to Hong Kong. Mr. Li called upon all the government officials to condemn the violent deportation and support the Human Rights Torch Relay.

Ye Shoushan, the mayor of Pingtung, supports the Human Rights Torch Relay

Li Shibing, the County Council Member of Pingtung, condemns the deportation and supports the Human Rights Torch Relay

Ye Shoushan, the mayor of Pingtung City, signed to support the Human Rights Torch Relay and called upon all people of justice to support it.

Cao Chihung, the mayor of Pingtung County, condemned the deportation and agreed to attend the Human Rights Torch Relay activities. He also praised Falun Gong practitioners' efforts.

Cao Chihung, the mayor of Pingtung County, supports Falun Gong practitioners

Falun Gong practitioners also visited Mr. Lin Chenshun, the trustee of the Sports Association in Pingtung, who wholeheartedly gave his support for the Human Rights Torch Relay.