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Mrs. Gao Caifeng from Dalian City, Liaoning Province Passed Away While Her Children Were Repeatedly Persecuted

July 07, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Mrs. Gao Caifeng, mother of Falun Dafa disciple Zhou Meihua from Dalian City Liaoning Province, died from a cerebral hemorrhage on June 23, 2007. Her biggest wish before her death was to see her children. When she was conscious and heard that her daughter Zhou Meihua was coming, she laughed, but the old lady's wish was never fulfilled.

After her daughter Zhou Meihua was abducted to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp on April 17, 2007, Mrs. Gao Caifeng went to Masanjia twice to request her release. The first time she was allowed to visit her daughter. Her daughter had been tortured so severely that she was disfigured, and the old lady felt the pain. The next time she went to Masanjia she took her granddaughter, Zhou Meihua's eight-year old daughter Jiahui, and her neighbor. Jihui hadn't see her mom for a long time, but labor camp authorities didn't care and refused to allow the girl and her grandmother a chance to visit Zhou Meihua.

Dafa disciple Zhou Meihua was clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa on Xiuyue Street this past March 19. Someone reported her and she was abducted and taken to the local police station. On April 17 she was sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. In less than one month Mrs. Gao Caifeng and little Jiahui went repeatedly to the police station at Xiuyue Street requesting Zhou Meihua's release. The first time they were pushed from the second floor to the first floor hall near the office by police, and in the afternoon they were pushed out of the front gate.

After requesting her daughter's release and clarifying the truth several times, Mrs. Gao Caifeng was physically and emotionally exhausted. She not only took care of her husband, who was in vegetative state, but also looked after her eight-year-old granddaughter. This was a cruel reality for a seventy-year-old lady, but the police and justice department of Jiang's regime never gave a thought for the welfare of the people, nor do they have sympathy for the kind people they persecute. The old lady and little girl struggled to survive.

On May 29 Jiahui was waiting for her grandmother to pick her up after school. After 4 PM there weren't many classmates left at school, and the little girl was anxiously waiting for her grandmother. Later she heard that her grandmother had been sent to the Number 210 hospital due to a cerebral hemorrhage. The hospital refused to admit her because she had no money or family to take care of her. After hearing about this, Dafa disciples and friends of the old lady gathered five thousand yuan for the hospital deposit. It took two hours of surgery after 7 PM to remove a large amount of congealed blood from her body.

Zhou Meihua has been illegally arrested four times. This is her second confinement in forced labor. The first arrest came on October 6, 2000, when Zhou Meihua, her husband Yu Zuojia and brother Zhou Changxu went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. They were stopped in Dalian. Later the Fujiazhuang police arrested them and took them to the Dalian Drug Rehabilitation Center. After being detained there for fifteen days they were sent to the Yaojia detention center, where they were detained for fifteen days and then released. Yu Zuojia was sent to the Dalian Forced Labor Camp and illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor.

The second time was during the Chinese Lunar New Year of 2001, when Zhou Meihua once again went to Beijing to validate the Fa. On her way to Beijing she was abducted and taken to the Yaojia detention center, where she was illegally detained for fifteen days. The third time was on May 17, 2002. After her husband Mr. Yu Zuojia escaped from the forced labor camp with righteous thoughts while he was visiting his parents on May 1, policemen Bai Yunhai, Jiang Zuolai and others from Fujiazhuang Police Station illegally arrested Zhou Meihua while she was at the hospital taking care of her father, who suffered from dementia. She didn't even have the chance to put on her shoes. Their family was subjected to extortion and forced to pay 900 "yuan

." Ms. Zhou Meihua went on a hunger strike for more than 80 days to protest the persecution at the education center. She was very weak and lost so much weight that her pulse could no longer be detected. The center was afraid that she would die and that they would be held responsible, so they sent her to the Central Hospital of Dalian City. They dropped her off at the hospital and left, thus her family was able to take her home from the hospital. The fourth time she was arrested was not long ago - on March 19 of this year. Ms. Zhou Meihua went to Xiuyue Street to clarify the truth about Falun Gong by telling people about the persecution suffered by her family and by others whom she knows. Gao Tiansheng and other policemen from Xiuyue Street Police Station arrested her. The 610 Office decided to send her to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp for two years.

Mr. Zhou Changxu, Zhou Meihua's younger brother, has also been repeatedly persecuted. He was detained for over a month at the Yaojia Detention Center after being arrested on his way to Beijing to appeal on October 6, 2000. At around ten o'clock one evening in July 2001, Chen Xin and others from the State Security Group arrested him in front of his father's bed in the hospital. They tortured him by burning his skin with cigarette butts, feeding him with urine, and whipping him with belts. The family was forced to pay 3,200 yuan for his release. Because the police constantly harassed him at home, Mr. Zhou Changxu was forced into homelessness.

Those Responsible:

Xiuyue Street Police Station, Zhongshan District, Dalian City, Lianing Province
Address: 81 Gaoyuan Street Zhongshan District Dalian City Liaoning Province, postal code: 116013

Responsible individuals:

Director Mr. Gai: 86-411-82671371
Deputy Director Wang Shaohuai: 86-411-82979701
Li Shaohua: 86-411-82979702
Liu Yong: 86-13324110007
Political Instructor Song Xiaoyou: 86-13322230007
Case detective, Gao Tianbo: 86-411-81929712
Police officer Li Chunshan: 86-411-82939709
Police officer Gao Tiansheng, who carried out the arrest: 86-13940957510 (Cell), 86-411-83792042
Director Du Benyou of Dalian City 610 office: 86-411-83767128 (office) 86-411-83696369 (home) 13904269099 (cell)
Liu Jin, deputy director of Dalian City 610 Office: 86-411-83767610-8160 (Office), 86-411-84664176 (Home), 86-13384117032 (Cell)
Feng Weimin, division chief of Dalian City 610 Office: 86-411-83767610-8058 (Office), 86-411-82210736 (Home), 86-13332276755 (Cell)

June 26, 2007