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A Boy Who Is Deaf and Could Not Talk Is Able to Say "Falun Dafa Is Good"

July 08, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) A few days ago, a practitioner in our area made use of a visit to his hometown in Henan Province to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to his friends and relatives. He also told them about quitting the Chinese Communist Party. When he went to one house, he found out that their 13-year-old son had been deaf and could not speak since he was very young. He could neither hear a sound nor speak a word. Even special therapy didn't help him - he had made no progress at all. As his parents watched him grow, they became very worried for him.

When this practitioner saw the boy, he pulled him over and taught him to say, "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is good."

The boy blinked, and his tongue and mouth slowly moved and gradually the sounds "Da" and "Good" came out.

The whole family heard the child speak and were extremely moved and excited.

The practitioner also taught the boy to say "Daddy" and "Mommy." The child managed to say the words then and there.

The boy's parents were so moved that they were full of tears and expressed their gratitude to Master Li Hongzhi with both palms pressed together. All their friends and relatives thanked Master Li for offering salvation to them and they all renounced their Chinese Communist Party memberships.

News of this incident spread far and wide in that area.

June 23, 2007