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Ohio, USA: Displaying the Beauty of Falun Dafa at Independence Day Parades (Photos)

July 09, 2007 |   By a practitioner in Ohio

(Clearwisdom.net) On July 3 and 4, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners in Ohio participated in parades in Columbus, Fairborn and Springfield, Ohio. More than ten thousand people were introduced to Falun Dafa through these parades.

Parades are good opportunities for Falun Gong practitioners to display the beauty of Falun Dafa

In Columbus, the capital city of Ohio, the parade started on the evening of July 3. Since there were fireworks in the evening, many people from small cities nearby went to Columbus in the morning to watch the parade and fireworks. To the graceful music "Pudu", practitioners dressed as celestial maidens danced. Practitioners on the float demonstrated the exercises. A beautiful "celestial maiden" sat in the lotus flower. Audience members applauded warmly and shouted, "Beautiful!" Many paused to read the truth-clarification flyers distributed by practitioners. Many children happily received paper lotus flowers.

Later, the practitioners went to Fairborn and Springfield, two small cities near a US air force base in Dayton. They participated in the parades there. Many local residents watched the Falun Gong procession for the first time. In Fairborn, the practitioners were awarded a trophy. In Springfield, when practitioners passed by the host stage, the host said, "How beautiful! Let us give them a warm round of applause." The crowd responded with enthusiastic applause.