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Study the Fa and Let Go of Human Attachments Naturally

August 11, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa Practitioner from Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) Master said,

"I have said that Master has compressed everything into the Fa, but as of today not that many of you have yet grasped the weight of those words. I'll talk to you about it again in the future. If you truly adhere to the Fa and cultivate, you will definitely succeed at cultivation! Thus you are to read the book more and study the Fa more."(Fa Teaching at the 2007 New York Fa Conference )

If Master hadn't said that, I would not have understood the weight of those words. I only knew that what Master says is the Fa and it is important, therefore, I should read the books more and study the Fa more.

Before, I have often heard fellow practitioners tell me, "that is a human attachment," "that is a human thought," "Dafa practitioners do not think this way," etc. I was puzzled. Why couldn't I recognize that? Why couldn't I discern it? Did I consider everything from the viewpoint of an ordinary person then? How will I be able to let go of so many human attachments? I was very sad.

I remembered what Master said and continuously read the Dafa books and studied the Fa again and again. Gradually, I forgot my bewilderment, and seldom did I hear fellow practitioners say I have many human attachments. I also realized that now, when I am faced with something, my viewpoint is different from what I had previously thought. It is totally different from ordinary people. I understand problems differently compared to the way I thought previously.

How could this change occur? I could not tell the details. Actually, there is no obvious surface manifestation. The only thing I know is I continuously studied the Fa and read the books. I stuck to it without laziness. This might be Dafa's supernatural power. It is always a mystery how many invaluable treasures Master has granted us. We should cherish and appreciate it forever.