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Speech Given by UK Practitioner During a Press Conference at the Chinese Embassy on July 21st

August 02, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) The following speech was presented during activities in London to commemorate eight years of persecution against Falun Gong. The statement is from a local Falun Gong practitioner and was read at a press conference opposite the Chinese Embassy on Saturday July 21st.

Today marks eight years that practitioners have been coming here to this outpost of the most monstrous, inhuman regime the world has known - the regime of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Eight years ago we only knew that the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China for their belief in Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance had just started.

As we stand here today, eight years later, we are painfully aware that thousands have died in this abhorrent genocidal persecution of 70 million peaceful Falun Gong practitioners in China.

What is even worse is that irrefutable evidence shows that many practitioners are held in death camps by the Chinese military so that their organs can be harvested and sold for transplantation.

Are we surprised by these atrocities when we know the bloody history of the last 58 years, during which 80 million innocent Chinese citizens lost their lives to the evil of communism? The CCP is already making preparations to disregard human rights during the Olympics in Beijing in a travesty of the Olympic Charter. These games are already being referred to in the free world as the "Genocide Olympics."

Because it is a threat to world peace and to humanity, the CCP is being unmasked daily in demonstrations like this one by Falun Gong practitioners the world over. Thanks to the efforts of Falun Gong practitioners, who really care about the people in China and really care about the future of all the people in our world, we see today that the CCP has lost 25 million people from its organizations - these are people who do not want to be associated with its crimes when it finally falls apart in the same way Communism fell apart elsewhere in the recent past.

Here in London, the CCP is exposed daily by UK Falun Gong practitioners, some of whom were tortured in China. They stand here with us today in testimony to the evil they have directly experienced themselves.

The good people of the world are supporting us in this noble effort and we will all stand here together until the Chinese Communist Party is finished and done with everywhere on Earth.

I am proud to have been standing here with you for the last eight years and I am proud to stand here again with of you all today. Thank you very much.

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200708/40581.html