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Several Stories about Quitting the Chinese Communist Party on the Internet

August 20, 2007 |   By Li Xinyi

(Clearwisdom.net) The Internet is a good place to spread the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, persuade people to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. and clarify the truth about the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong. The information covered is very comprehensive. We can post articles, photos, videos, and recordings to clarify the truth and persuade people to withdraw from the Party. It is also very flexible and people can visit the Internet at any time. The "Quit the CCP Center" website was established through the collective efforts of Falun Gong practitioners. Since then, more Chinese people have been able to learn the truth via the Internet and have found ways to quit the Party. The CCP censors the media in China. Many overseas practitioners utilize their time off work to tell the Chinese people about the Nine Commentaries, and clarify the truth about Falun Gong on the Internet. As a result, many people in China have withdrawn from the CCP as they have come to understand the truth. They have also expressed their admiration for practitioners' selfless spirits.

Here are some comments from people touched by our efforts:

"Falun Gong practitioners, I've been watching everything you've done with much concern and admiration. You have already affected China today and will influence China's future on a larger scale. Although I'm not a Falun Gong practitioner, your every move and act has been witnessed by heaven and has had an impact on me. Your great deeds will inspire millions of Chinese people. We would like to send our kind regards and extend our utmost respect to all the Falun Gong practitioners around the world."

A Beijing resident, who was interviewed by a Clearwisdom reporter, said, "The Nine Commentaries has awakened many people. They now clearly understand the wickedness of the CCP and praise practitioners for risking their lives to spread the Nine Commentaries."

"The Nine Commentaries has influenced many people in China. Falun Gong practitioners are very strong willed. Although many of them have been arrested, they have not stopped spreading the Nine Commentaries. Some people have found copies of the Nine Commentaries in their bicycle baskets after they come back from shopping. Others have found copies of the Nine Commentaries in the morning when they open the door, and some have found CDs through the crack in the door. We truly admire their strong wills. They are not afraid of death or being sent to jail. The more the CCP suppresses Falun Gong practitioners, the more they clarify the truth and spread the Nine Commentaries. I have read the Nine Commentaries and think that Falun Gong practitioners are truly exceptional. From the quality of the sources and based on literary standards, I find it objective and factual. Although we are vaguely aware of what the CCP has done, we cannot describe it well, but the Nine Commentaries explains it clearly. Many of us who were brought up under the deceitful Party culture were misled by it, but after reading the Nine Commentaries we have a better understanding of the CCP. If it is not overthrown, then those wronged by the CCP cannot find just compensation. There are many people who have read the Nine Commentaries. I have met a few who have quit the Party. One of them, an elderly man at the appeals office, is the party branch deputy secretary of the village. He led other CCP members in the village to withdraw from the Party and showed me the proof on The Epoch Times."

The following stories are from the volunteers who encourage people to quit the CCP on the Internet.

A Man Quit the Party and Became a Volunteer after Finding a "Quit the Party" Internet Volunteer

I usually remind Chinese people I meet on the Internet who agree to quit the Party to do good deeds and help their family and friends quit as well. Because of this, One person found more than ten people from his village to quit the Party. Another person helped more than a hundred relatives and friends to quit. Another practitioner in China is unable to access the Internet frequently. Every now and then he sends me lists of people's names, so that I can help them quit the CCP.

A man from Shandong Province read the Nine Commentaries and "Quit the CCP" news that I sent him on the Internet. He was very excited that he was able to find me on the Internet. He said he had read all the truth clarification materials. One can find flyers and brochures all over China. He knows that the CCP is very corrupt. He wanted to withdraw from the CCP a long time ago but could not find a way to do it. His grandfather wanted to withdraw, too. He said that after laboring for the CCP his entire life, he is only making several hundred yuan per month and is poverty stricken. He added that the CCP has committed too many shameful deeds and persecuted good people. He hopes the CCP will disintegrate soon, so that there will be hope for China. He asked how he could be of help. I told him that he could become a "quit the Party" volunteer, tell his friends and relatives the truth, and urge them to quit. He said he can definitely encourage more people to withdraw from the Party.

Many People Have Withdrawn From the CCP Because of its Corruption

Most Chinese people have suffered because of CCP corruption. The incident regarding "Slavery in black coal" in Shanxi particularly angered many Chinese. Many people have withdrawn after I mention that incident. There are ways to help guide people that are afraid to quit the Party. This is what I say, "When there is justice and righteousness in society, then people can lead a better life. Although you may not dare to go to Tiananmen to protest, you can take a stand on the 'Quit the Party' website and urge China to reform and improve. This is very safe and does not affect your life negatively. Why not withdraw?" Some Chinese people understand the current situation in China better than those of us who live overseas. They agree to quit as soon as I mention the above.

One time I met a man on the Internet who was in a bad mood and did not react to my clarifying the truth. He asked me to chat with his wife and I found out that they had had an argument. The wife said that her husband was not good to her, and he often scolded and beats her. Therefore, she was very sad. I tried to mediate and clarify the truth at the same time. I told them how a husband and a wife should treat each other and that they should appreciate their predestined relationship. The wife was very grateful, but the husband was still upset. I continuously send them truth clarification material on the persecution of Falun Gong, photos of armed police suppressing protesters, and demolition of private homes. He said that corruption in China is very common. He agreed to withdraw from the CCP when I showed him photos of "overseas people supporting a 'Quit the CCP' parade." A friend of his saw the truth clarification material and decided to quit as well.

The Truth about Falun Gong Changed a Stubborn Man

I often get scolded when I urge people to withdraw from the CCP. There are many people who have developed righteous thoughts after they understand the truth. For example, after clarifying the truth to some people on the Internet they said, "Having this conversation with you is better than reading books for ten years." Others told me that even businessmen from Taiwan would not speak to them about this. There is a young teacher of politics in a middle school. He thinks the politics curriculum is very boring. He has had fantasies about the CCP and has refused to accept the Nine Commentaries. He could not bear listening to criticisms of the CCP. I sent him anti-web-blocking software and asked him to visit overseas websites so that he could understand that criticizing political parties is normal in other countries. He had very stubborn thoughts, so I asked him if he knew anything about Falun Gong. Surprisingly, he sent me several websites that defame Falun Gong. Therefore, I shared with him my personal experiences and stories of relatives and friends benefiting both physically and mentally from practicing Falun Gong. I answered many of his questions, including those about the self-immolation incident in Tiananmen Square. He liked listening to me clarify the truth. At first he argued fervently, but then he calmed down and listened. He asked me to tell him more. Later, he told me with gratitude that I had changed his perspective on life. He is now very interested in Falun Gong. I sent him copies of Zhuan Falun and Hong Yin. A few days later, I went on the Internet and noticed he had changed his icon image from a rebellious young man to the image of a Buddha. The messages he sends to me now are full of genteel words and Buddhist wisdom.

One Person Said That Zhuan Falun is a Good Book. It is Not Like What the CCP Has Propagandized.

Another person I met on the Internet withdrew from the Party after learning the truth. One day he told me he no longer wanted to live and wished to commit suicide. I said to him, "If you die prematurely, you will be drifting and floating in another dimension in the universe, with no water or food. You'll have to wait until your time has come to reincarnate again. There is a lot more hardship there than here on earth. You should look on the bright side." After listening to me, he stopped talking about committing suicide. Later I gave him the link to a website that would expand his views. After he visited the website, he asked me why Jiang Zemin persecutes Falun Gong. I replied, "The self-immolation incident in Tiananmen Square was staged. If you read Falun Gong books, you'll find out that it is sinful to commit suicide. Therefore, Falun Gong practitioners don't commit suicide. If you don't believe me, I can forward you a link to the book." I sent him the Internet copy of Zhuan Falun. Later he replied saying, "This is a good book and it is not like what the CCP has propagandized."

Clarifying the Truth with Compassion and Patience Persuades People to "Quit the Party"

One time someone accused me of being a spy and a counter-revolutionary. He sounded very mean and harsh. I patiently answered all his questions, one at a time. During our third conversation, he withdrew from the CCP after twenty years. I recently met a military person on active duty. He wanted to liberate Taiwan. I told him, "Taiwan is doing better than China. What is there to liberate? The military personnel in Taiwan receive good pay and benefits." He sadly told me that he is only paid a few hundred yuan a month. Although I sent him some truth clarification information, I could not change his mind then. I spoke to him one day for almost an hour and he finally agreed to withdraw.

In recent years, practitioners have been clarifying the truth relentlessly and this has produced good results. Many people have heard the Nine Commentaries or truth clarification information. More and more people understand clearly the wickedness of the CCP and dare to step forward to resist it. The CCP is losing the trust and goodwill of the people.

July 19, 2007