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People are Searching for Truth

August 24, 2007 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) For a long time, I did not have a good understanding of what Teacher meant when he said that sentient beings are searching for the truth. On the surface, the evil factors in other dimensions in China still seem to be strong. The idea that Chinese people could overcome their deep-rooted fear of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the influence of the CCP's culture on their way of thinking seemed impractical to me. However, a recent event helped me to enlighten.

Several weeks ago, a friend of my parents, whom they had lost contact with for more than 30 years, suddenly visited my parents. His wife accompanied him. They stayed for only one afternoon and left town the next day. The day of the visit, I was attending to some business matters at a location not far from my parents' home. I had not planned to go to their place. Yet, somehow I thought of paying them a visit, and I met their friend. The friend works for a city's Disciplinary Inspection Committee, and both he and his wife are CCP members. At that time, I did not ask them how they found my parents after more than 30 years. I spent the whole time clarifying the truth to them. I started with the recent news about the mysterious death of Song Pingshun, a standing member of Tianjin City Party Committee. I also talked about what really happened on "April 25", how the CCP faked the self-immolation incident on Tiananmen Square, organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners in CCP camps, the worldwide spread of Dafa, and how tens of millions of people have withdrawn from the Party and its affiliated organizations. After they agreed to withdraw from the CCP, I told them to remember that Falun Dafa is good, and that "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" is good.

On the surface, everything seemed so natural. I met them through my parents and was able to clarify the truth to them. When they told us the trouble they went through trying to find my parents, I was deeply touched. This friend was also my aunt's friend. My aunt lives in a different city thousands of miles away. During the 30 years since they had seen this person, my parents and my aunt had moved. It was almost impossible to find us. About a year ago, he thought of my parents and sent them quite a few letters, but all were returned. He then tried telephoning and writing my aunt, but could not find her. After more than six months, he used his connections and talked to the Household Registration Department of the city in which my aunt lives. After several tries, he finally found my aunt's current address and eventually found my parents through my aunt.

For at least 30 years, he did not even attempt to contact my parents. Then, they spent almost a year and overcame many obstacles to find them. Did not they do so for the sake of truth? My parents do not practice Falun Gong and would not have clarified the truth to them on their own. The visitors did not know me and would not have contacted me directly. I do not go to my parents' home very often. For them to hear the truth in my parents' home, they had to arrive when I was not traveling and was visiting my parents. Such a "coincidence" happened.

On the surface, many things seemed to have happened by chance. In reality, they all happened for a reason. This is just like what Teacher said in "Expounding on the Fa" (Essentials for Further Advancement), "You should also be clear that 'natural' does not exist, and 'the inevitable' has reasons behind it." Only then did I realize that people are really searching for the truth. However, due to the CCP's brutal persecution, the search is manifests in various ways. Although people often do not realize this, searching for the truth is indeed their real wish. Their knowing sides of my parents' visitors pushed their human sides to search for the truth. It was Dafa's miraculous power that enabled them to pass through all kinds of difficulties. Thus, they heard the truth about Dafa and can be saved. We should not let miss opportunities and later have regrets.

I wish to share with everyone Teacher's words from Fa Teaching at the U.S. Capital,

"They were brave enough to descend because of their steadfast faith in Dafa and their conviction that Fa-rectification would surely succeed. [They believed that] the Fa could definitely save them, that Dafa would definitely succeed (enthusiastic applause), and that Fa-rectification would definitely succeed, and it was thus that they had the godly courage to come to the human world."

"In the phase ahead, do even better with what you need to do, walk well the final leg of the journey, and do even better with what you are supposed to do. Don't become complacent just because you think you've done such and such, for there are so many sentient beings that we have yet to save. You still need to push yourselves so that you may establish even greater mighty virtue within a limited timeframe, and so that you won't have any regrets when all is said and done."

More than ever, I feel strongly that nothing is more important than saving people. In addition to studying Fa and sending forth righteous thoughts from our hearts, we need to focus on how to let more people learn the truth. We should not be attached to anything. Everything in the human world is a delusion. What is most important is the number of people who can be saved. We should let go of our selves, not waste time or predestined relationships, and search for and create more opportunities for people to hear the truth so that they can be saved.