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62-Year-Old Shepherd Seized by CCP Thugs

August 25, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On the afternoon of July 22, 2007, 20 evildoers, including police officers from the Dingxing County Police Department in Baoding City, Hebei Province, along with Chinese Communist Party (CCP) thugs in Yangcun Township, rushed to Xili Village in Yangcun Township. They dressed in plainclothes and arrived in four police cars, planning to illegally arrest 62-year-old practitioner Ms. Li Yinhua.

At that time, Ms. Li was grazing sheep at the river wall close to her home. When the officers saw her, they immediately forced her into the car. Afterwards the gang, led by Wang Dezhu (male), secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee, went to Ms. Li's home to search it. Ms. Li's husband, 68-year-old Mr. Yang Heng, witnessed these gangsters rush to his home without notice. When he stepped forward to try and stop them, several young officers forced him to the ground.

The officers seized the couple's satellite TV antenna and receiver, copies of Teacher's lectures, and two books (including Zhuan Falun), ransacked the home, and then swaggered off. After this violent attack, Mr. Yang required medical attention for several days.

During the entire process, the thugs did not show any identification, provide any explanation, or give any receipts for property taken. Currently, Ms. Li is still being held in Dagou Detention Center in Dingxing County. Her family has gone there to ask for her release, but the guards' attitude was extremely unreasonable, and the family was not allowed to see Ms. Li.

People responsible:

Wang Xueshi (male), deputy director of the Dingxing County 610 Office: 86-13931206616 (Cell)
Li Aijun (male), deputy director of the Dingxing County 610 Office: 86-312-69225103 (Home)
Xu Aijun (male), director of the Dingxing County Police Department: 86-312-6925118 (Office) 13803266896 (Cell)
Li Junling (male), deputy director of the State Security Division: 86-13700328570 (Cell)
Dingxing County Detention Center: 86-312-6958927