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Morning Practice--Doing the Exercises with Master's Protection

August 27, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I suddenly awoke at 2:40 am on April 25, 2007. I thought it was the time for sending forth righteous thought at 5:55 a.m. When I looked at my alarm clock I realized it was still too early and went back to sleep. But my mind was clear, and I was not at all sleepy. I tossed and turned and could not fall asleep. As I was about to doze off, I woke up with a start and looked at the time again. It was 3:40 a.m.

How strange! Usually after I sent forth righteous thought at midnight, I fell into a sound sleep right away. I would not wake up until my alarm clock rang in the morning in time to send forth righteous thoughts. It was usually impossible for me to be clear minded at three o'clock in the morning. Prior to beginning Falun Gong practice, I was muddleheaded when I lost sleep, and my whole body would feel uncomfortable. That day I was so clear minded. Was something going to happen? I thought over recent happenings and couldn't pinpoint anything. It was strange!

The next day, on April 26, I got on the Internet during the daytime and accessed "Minghui Weekly." Suddenly, the words "Since the 25th, the time for morning practice is changed to 3:50 a.m." caught my eye. Good Heavens, that was the reason that I awoke so early! I was shocked! Tears ran down my face, and I came to understand that Master was looking after me! Master was giving me a hint that it was time for Dafa practitioners' morning practice.

It had been more than a month since I had been on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website. I was a destitute and homeless practitioner. No fellow practitioners I knew were nearby. I could only obtain Dafa information through some simple operations on a computer. Because of interferences and a computer virus, I could only intermittently visit the Minghui website. I regarded Minghui articles I saw that were several months old as treasures.

For the past two years I have walked my cultivation path alone, in fear and under pressure. I had lost almost everything: my job and my family, as well as my Dafa books and equipment, which I had carefully taken care of for ten years. I had only a copy of Zhuan Falun and my MP3 Falun Gong exercise music with me.

The enormous pressure I suffered during these hardships enabled me to discover my deeply hidden attachments. I found what the evildoers had used to persecute me. I corrected those attachments according to the Fa. But I still often felt helpless and lost and surrounded by fear. I was unstable and felt as if I were constrained by a shapeless cage that separated me from the rest of the world. I often called out in from the depths of my heart, "Master, are you still looking after me?"

That particular day, without anyone telling me and when I was unable to access any information, I wok up on time to join practitioners' morning practice. That was miraculous and proof that Master was looking after me!

I immediately felt that I was not alone, that I was in a huge energy field. Master was benevolently looking at me, and in all the dimensions I was one of the countless practitioners. Even though I have been persecuted because of my attachments, I was still a particle of Dafa.

When doing the morning practice, I felt extremely strong energy--my whole body was hot. When I was doing "Penetrating the Two Cosmos Extremes," the heat would flow wherever my hands moved. After the practice, sometimes I would feel that countless cells in my body were vibrating. That kind of vibration happened deep inside my body, and it felt like innumerable lives were cheering and jumping for joy. One day, as I was about to finish the fifth exercise, I had a vision. I saw a huge rectangular array of innumerable golden dots. The scene gradually disappeared after I finished the exercises.

As I kept doing the morning exercises, my righteous thoughts became firmer. Master gave every practitioner great responsibilities to save lives. There is no need for me to be concerned about the fear shackles the evils had set; and there is no need for me to create a mental wall. No matter that the evildoers were still looking for me, I should keep doing what I should do, and everything will be under Master's control.

As I continued the morning exercises, the shapeless cage I had perceived around me disappeared. The helpless and lost feeling I had experienced before was swept away and was replaced by joy. Indeed, matter and mind are one thing, as Master told us.

As I continued with the morning exercise I was able to easily eliminate some odd thoughts and negative viewpoints as well as some attachments. Prior to that day, it would have taken me a long time sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate these things.

Although we are not physically present in a group, as more and more Dafa practitioners join the morning practice, the energy field will grow stronger and bigger. Our enormous energy field will cover all of China and other corresponding dimensions and will join with the whole universe. Then the evil will have no place to go.

Dafa practitioners are following Master in the Fa-rectification, and practitioners are a whole. Although the evildoers in the human world jeopardize the cultivation environment in China, and although the evils in other dimensions try to isolate individual practitioners, they have failed; how can a human being isolate a divine being? No force in the universe is capable of isolating anyone. This is a whole body of the cultivation without form.

Thinking about Dafa practitioner's morning practice, whether or not they have read that particular notice from the Minghui website, aren't they all doing the exercises under Master's care and protection?