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Keeping Precious Records of Cultivation in the Fa-Rectification Period

September 20, 2007 |   By an overseas Falun Dafa practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) I read the notice of calling papers for "The Fourth Mainland China Falun Dafa Practitioners Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference on the Internet" by the Minghui website editors, and think this is a very meaningful event.

I have read all the articles of the first three experience sharing conferences. Each article represents a part of a magnificent picture of Dafa practitioners' validating the Fa in the harshest of circumstances. The articles encourage fellow practitioners to cultivate more diligently, clarify the truth to ordinary people, and leave precious records for the future humankind. Now comes the fourth experience sharing conference on the Internet. We Dafa practitioners are more mature, so our articles should present cultivators' temperament and dignity.

Teacher talks about side-path practices in Zhuan Falun (2000 translation version):

"In cultivation, one should mainly cultivate one's xinxing. They still do not understand this and believe that they can practice cultivation by merely suffering hardships. Therefore, after a lengthy period of time and having practiced cultivation for several hundred years or more than one thousand years, they have obtained but a little bit of gong. In fact, it is not through suffering that they have gained gong."

"They find that when one relies on sitting meditation, trance, and suffering hardships to progress in cultivation, one can also increase gong. Yet they do not know that their attachment of everyday people are slowly worn out over a long and harsh period of time, and that it is through slowly giving up those attachments that gone is increased."

"Our practice has a focus and truly points out those attachments. By abandoning them, one will make very rapid progress in cultivation."

We will never know how significant and extraordinary Dafa is, but Teacher has told us how to cultivate in Dafa. Thus, we must not fall into the side-path practices or the framework of cultivation ways in the past, regarding being persecuted, or seeing suffering as glory and necessity on the path of cultivation. As Dafa practitioners, we should remain steadfast in our belief in Dafa under the persecution and break through the persecution. Merely suffering from the persecution without trying to break through it is not what Teacher wants, but a result of our imprisoning ourselves in human attachments.

Similarly, while recording our cultivation path during the Fa-rectification period, we will not emphasize for the future people how much suffering and persecution we have endured and how difficult it was to cultivate under persecution. Rather, our experience sharing articles should be about how Dafa cultivation has a focus and truly points out human attachments, that cultivators can improve rapidly, and that the righteous mind is about selflessness and always thinking about others first. Regardless of the external environment, the nature of our cultivation has not changed. Dafa can overcome all evil and correct all impropriety. During the cruel persecution, our experience cultivating in the Fa-rectification period has proven that Dafa is almighty.

The precious time for assisting Teacher in Fa-rectification and Fa validation will be over soon. Once it is over, it will never happen again. Fellow practitioners in China, please write about your cultivation experiences in the Fa-rectification period to present the glorious history of Dafa practitioners progressing while following the greatest Fa.