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My Experiences Clarifying the Truth Face to Face

October 21, 2008 |   By Xinsheng, a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I began practicing Falun Gong in 1997. Before that, I was very ill, and my life hung by a thread. After I started the practice, all my illnesses disappeared. I am very grateful for Master and Dafa. For this reason, no matter where I go, I always carry with me the beauty of Dafa. I am very healthy now, and I don't feel cold in the winter even when I wear thin clothes. Many people admire my good health.

Since the big tide of quitting the evil Chinese Communist Party began, I have asked two to three people to quit the Party everyday. Now I have increased my efficiency and can convince seven to ten and sometimes up to 30 people to withdraw every day. I have already asked my neighbors, friends, and relatives to quit the Party. I know there are still many more people waiting for me to clarify the facts to them When I go to the market to buy food, I never bargain with the vendors. I treat them politely and sometimes help them move their stuff. When they don't act rationally, I treat them with calmness and compassion. I believe this will lay a very good foundation for explaining the truth to them in the future.

When I explain the facts about Falun Gong to people face to face, I quickly cut to the main topic. Although my education was limited to the elementary level, because the Fa has given me wisdom, I can speak very fluently and eloquently. I have persuaded the president of a TV station, the editor at the station, and someone from the recording department to quit the Party. I even sang "Coming for You," a song written by a Canadian practitioner, to the person from the recording department. I don't know how good it sounded to him, but before he left, he told me he would certainly try to find a DVD of the Divine Performing Arts Spectacular to watch.

Once I clarified the truth to two women near the ocean. They kept saying how great the Party was, so I started by recounting the many recent natural calamities. I said that they must remember that Falun Dafa is good and not listen to Party propaganda lies. "The snowstorm, SARS, floods, and earthquakes are just an alarm to wake people up before the real catastrophe hits. Falun Dafa was spread to save people. Whoever believes in it will be saved. Those who believe in the lies will be sifted out. Falun Dafa practitioners have risked their lives to save people." I also told them what I said was meant to save them, and I didn't intend to offend them in any way.

They asked, "Do you know we are police officers?" I replied, "I know, I know you are police officers just from what you said." They asked, "Then why don't you leave?" I told them, "Only when you are safe can I be reassured and leave." I also told them that one must not hate or believe in the Party's lies, and how important it was to erase the mark of the evil specter in order to be safe. I said, "You must remember what I just told you. Our Master will assure your safety." They answered, "Yes, but you also have to ensure your own safety." I thanked them and helped them quit the Party using their nicknames.

When I clarify the truth to people, I always think of what Master once taught me in "Eliminate Your Last Attachment(s):" "Just by having your heart unaffected you will be able to handle all situations." My understanding is that we must study the "Fa" and send forward righteous thoughts well in order to save more people. I always send forth righteous thoughts when I go out to clarify the facts to people. When it is time to send forward righteous thoughts, I just sit down on the side of the road and do it. No noise can affect me.