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Mining Community Protects Falun Gong Practitioners After Understanding the Truth

October 27, 2008 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On August 7, 2008, the day before the Olympics Games, I went out early in the morning with fellow practitioner Wang to clarify the truth, distribute informational CD's and urge people to renounce the CCP so they can have a glorious future for themselves. We visited and contacted many people. Most of our efforts were very encouraging and an overwhelming majority of people agreed to withdraw from the CCP.

When the word spread that two Falun Gong practitioners were around, people reacted quickly and came in droves to pick up truth clarification CD's and other materials from us.

Later, we arrived at the coal mine dormitory area. As we entered the room, we saw a 40 year old miner drinking and eating his meal. We greeted him and started talking to him. It was a predestined arrangement that we came to deliver Dafa truth clarification materials and inform him about the beauty of Dafa. We urged him to renounce his association with the CCP and not to be deceived by the lies broadcasted on the TV. The Chinese Communist Party is evil. It has destroyed the ancient Chinese culture and moral tradition. They do not want its citizen to have any beliefs. Currently law abiding citizens and innocent practitioners are brutally persecuted for believing in Truthfulness- Compassion-Forbearance. He responded that he had had enough and asked us to leave.

After leaving the dormitory, we proceeded to the mining office to clarify the truth. There were four administrative personnel inside the office. At this time, the forty year old miner from the dormitory rushed inside the office and accused us of being terrorists belonging to a cult and that what we were doing was against the party and against the government. He wanted to report our activity to the authorities so that he could claim a reward. He also uttered certain disrespectful words against Master and Dafa. We thought that our truth clarification was insufficient so we started to reason with them that goodness is always rewarded and bad deeds are always punished with karmic retribution. The four people inside the rooms also started to side with us, One of them said, "If you do not want to listen, please go away, we would like to find out more!" Another person that didn't look like a local miner blurted out, "From your ferocious attitude, it looks like you are looking for trouble!" Embarrassed and humiliated, the miner left the office dejected and disappointed.

After a while, a mine superintendent ran in hurriedly and informed us that the miner had just reported our presence to the authorities and that we should leave immediately. Although we were indifferent to being reported on and wanted to clarify the truth more, the superintendent gave us an anxious, impatient look and loudly insisted that we should leave immediately, and that if we didn't we would be caught. The 610 Office agents were already on their way and would arrive soon. Right after that, another superintendent entered the office and worriedly told us to quickly leave, otherwise we wouldn't be able to make it! Their real concern for our safety made us jump onto our motorbike and leave. We were very happy for their righteous decision after understanding the truth. Within minutes after we left, we saw the 610 Office vehicle whizzing past us in the opposite direction.

An overwhelming majority of the present day common folks now understand the truth and oppose the persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP regime. They are willing to protect Dafa disciples. Later on we learned that when the 610 Office agents conducted their investigations, from laborers to factory director, all turned out to say that they did not see any "Falun Gong practitioners" nor did they see any "truth clarification CD's or materials." They said that it was a joke pulled by the miner after drinking too much. They reiterated that there were other incidents where this man had played the same trick on others. The 610 Office agents gave the drunk a few swats as punishment and decided to arrest him. However, he was able to produce two fliers to prove his innocence, so they let him go. One of the officials also remarked that a "social scoundrel is disgraceful and despised by society"

The next day, this person became famous all of a sudden; whoever saw him would give him a dirty look. Some people would scold him on the spot for his "detestable and villainous acts." His desire to help the CCP to persecute innocent Falun Gong practitioners created enormous dissatisfaction among the mining community. When mining security performs a security check, they especially pick on him to give him a hard time, making him strip to mock him.

By the third night, when another young mine superintendent that had understood the truth heard about the incident, he got very angry. The next day, he dismissed the miner who reported the practitioners.

The story of this incident spread very quickly. Throughout the mining community, from children to family members, everyone publicly chose to side with Falun Gong. For several days, people were discussing the incident. Some said that the CCP was not really any good!" Some admitted that the times had changed and one should not believe in the CCP any more! Still others said that, "The bad people who report Falun Gong practitioners will not have a good ending!"