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Our Work Environment Is Part of Our Cultivation Environment

November 15, 2008 |   By He, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Shandong Province

(Clearwisdom.net) When our school was merged with other two schools, all of the sudden my work environment changed. Procedures like visiting a class, class program reforming, auditing class without notification and teaching guidance were introduced. My previous relaxed and free work environment that had lasted for more than 10 years suddenly became heavy, stressful, and oppressive. I felt that my heart was no longer calm, and lots of ordinary people's thoughts came out. With bitterness and imbalance in my heart, I complained about the school introducing so many troublesome things, pursuing formality, and my superior's auditing class without notification. In fact, it touched the fear in my heart -- the fear of trouble, the fear of hardship, the fear of fatigue, the fear of not giving a good lecture, and the worry about messing up during others' visits to my class. In a deep place of my heart, it was for my "fame", for my "self", and for my "comfort".

I even felt that I lost confidence, especially after visiting the classes of other teachers who teach the same subject and seeing that they gave such good lectures. Wasn't that aimed at my attachment to "fame"? The attachment of pursuing the praise from other people and hoping other people would say how capable I am? "One who is for fame resents till death"(Being a Human, Hong Yin). I even thought of changing jobs, pulling some strings and finding an easier place to work. I wanted to escape, but in my heart, I knew this was part of Master's arrangement and I should not arbitrarily change it. Arbitrarily changing it is a kind of deviant and corrupt human mentality which should be corrected. But I could not eliminate this deviant thought. My many attachments prevented me from remaining calm while sending righteous thoughts this past week, and they always kept me in a busy state even though I felt that I was not doing anything. Although I also tried to understand the principles of Falun Dafa and apply them to correct my status, I did not made much improvement.

Today while reading experience sharing articles published in Minghui Weekly, I checked myself, looked inside with calm heart, and dug out my dirty "private cares and unclean desires," all of which block me from catching up with the Fa rectification process! No matter how the outside environment changes, a Dafa practitioner should always remain calm. What a cultivator emphasizes is "righteous thoughts". Aren't the things I was seeking ordinary things? My work environment is a part of my cultivation environment. When the environment changes, I must temper myself, cultivate myself, and improve myself. A complicated environment is a good thing for a practitioner. Without tribulations, how can we cultivate?

My work environment changed, but doesn't that mean that I now have new colleagues that I need to save? A Falun Dafa practitioner's responsibility is significant. All people in a workplace are need to be saved, and the work environment is a good cultivation environment for me. As a practitioner, I should be conscientious at my job, having no complaints, no longer blaming other people, reminding myself that I'm a Falun Dafa practitioner, performing without pursuit, and validating the Fa through my righteous thoughts and actions.

I thank fellow practitioners for the countless experience sharing articles that have helped me to look inside myself, to correct my every word, act, and thought with Dafa, and to do well the three things with righteous thoughts to save more sentient beings.