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Reflections on the Fifth Internet Experience Sharing Conference for Practitioners in China

November 17, 2008 |   By a practitioner in Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) After reading articles from the Fifth Internet Experience Sharing Conference for Practitioners in China, I felt that it is a special privilege and honor for Mainland Chinese practitioners. I know a fellow practitioner who had recently left China. One day she passed word to us through her roommate, who is also a practitioner, "You should treasure your time in Mainland China. Although it is hard and dangerous, we feel that it was so precious when we reflect on it now."

In recent years, I have been in contact with several fellow practitioners whose solid cultivation state touched me deeply and helped me a lot. I realized that cultivation is not a matter of ordinary people. Whether you have the capability to do it or not is not an issue. Instead, it is about whether you have a deep and strong foundation of studying the Fa and doing everything according to the Fa. As long as you are in accordance with the Fa and as long as you have a sincere heart for Dafa and sentient beings, you'll be able to accomplish anything. Everything at the human level is just illusion.

There is a fellow practitioner in her fifties who was anxious to make truth-clarification materials. On the surface, she was in a poor financial situation, and she did not have good technical skills. However, because she had a heart for genuine cultivation and for saving people, Teacher compassionately made the best arrangements for her. She came in contact with fellow practitioners who taught her technical skills and arranged for her to go to a practitioner's home to do the work. Consequently, she has long been able to work alone skillfully and rapidly, including using a computer, downloading materials from the Internet, printing files, burning CD's, and helping people quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on the Internet. She has been able to steadily provide the "Minghui Weekly" newsletter, the Minghui Weekly newspaper and truth-clarification pamphlets to fellow practitioners on a weekly basis. Every day she works as a cleaning lady in the morning to make ends meet, so she can only make truth-clarification materials in the afternoon. Nevertheless, she is able to prepare a lot of materials every week and fulfill a lot of people's needs.

I think that Falun Dafa is really miraculous. Who would have thought that a lady who does not read very well is capable of using high-tech equipment to help people to quit the CCP and who saves sentient beings. Isn't this kind of miracle only to be seen in Falun Dafa?

This practitioner has already memorized the book Zhuan Falun four times. She also reads Zhuan Falun every day. Compared to her, I feel ashamed, although I'm a practitioner who graduated from a graduate school at an elite university. She is able to recite Teacher's "Fa Teaching at the 2008 New York Conference." She said that one day she recited the lecture once when she rode her bicycle to work and again when she rode the bicycle home. She then ate a simple meal and started preparing truth-clarification materials after that. The way she spoke about it sounded like there's nothing special about it, but I felt like a normal day in her life shakes heaven and earth. This practitioner may not appear to be very special among ordinary people, but in another dimension she shows herself as an enlightened being.

Fellow practitioners, we all want to practice cultivation and want to do things well. However, only by melting in the Fa can we truly validate the Fa, save sentient beings, and fulfill our sacred mission.