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High-Ranking Officials Want to Hear the Truth

December 18, 2008 |  


The Director of the Public Security Office Listened to a Message about the Truth of Falun Gong

In a public security bureau in northeast China, officers often receive phone calls from overseas Falun Gong practitioners clarifying the truth to them about Falun Gong. In the beginning, they just listened silently. After receiving many calls, they closed the doors and used the speaker so that all the people in the room could listen.

One time, when many of the officers were listening to one of these phone calls, the director came in. Unprepared, all of the listeners were in shock and did not have time to cancel the speaker function. The director asked, "What are you listening to?" No one answered. After listening to it himself, he said, "It is Falun Gong. It is OK, you can listen." Since then, people started listening to the truth publicly.

After a while, they stopped receiving phone calls and were very concerned about this. The director told them, "They are calling us now. These days the directors in all of the offices are listening to the truth every day in their offices."

A High-Ranking Official Voluntarily Learns About Falun Gong

Li Ming (not his real name) works for the government in Beijing. He is a high-ranking official and he did not understand why the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes Falun Gong. He did not even know what Falun Gong is. He wanted to ask a Falun Gong practitioner what it was about and he wanted to read the book Zhuan Falun. Knowing that Changchun is the originating site of Falun Gong, he took a trip to Changchun with his wife and together they found a local senior practitioner. They got the book Zhuan Falun and other informational materials including "Nine Commentaries of the Chinese Communist Party".