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Elevating in Dafa Cultivation, Saving Sentient Beings at Work

March 10, 2008 |   By Qingyuan (Alias) from Heilongjiang Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I obtained the Fa in 1996, and could be considered a veteran practitioner. The first day I read Zhuan Falun, I knew that this was what I'd been looking for and I would cultivate Dafa for the rest of my life. I will cultivate until the end and follow Master home. I would like to share my experiences in saving sentient beings at work.

Under the persecution, I was transferred to perform the dirtiest work with very little pay. Fellow colleagues and supervisors around me, influenced by the propaganda of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) lies, thought that Dafa disciples are murderers and commit suicide. Many of them looked at me with enmity and would not even speak to me. I did not care about their attitude, as I knew that a Dafa disciple's environment is created by himself.

I conducted myself strictly according to the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" and was always in a joyous mood. I never commented on whether other people were good or bad, and never fought for personal interest. Whenever someone has any troubles and asks for my help, I help them as much as I can without hesitation. When someone went to company supervisors to say bad things about me and other people would tell me about it, I looked inside to find my shortcomings and would not have a single trace of grudge or unhappiness. The next day, I would then go talk to the person. If someone treated me badly, I would simply wave it off with a smile. Slowly, I began to win the respect and trust of everyone.

From my actions and words, my colleagues saw the righteousness of a Dafa disciple as well as the beauty of Dafa. Some would say, "CCP members only know how to steal things from the office. I say Falun Gong is better." Others would talk to others about me, "You have to learn the Fa from Qingyuan, and improve yourself." Indeed, we are role models for people.

Also, I would clarify the truth whenever the opportunity arose. When there are a lot of people around, I talk about the truth behind the Tiananmen self-immolation incident, the spread of Dafa throughout the world, and the global trial of Jiang Zemin. When there are only a few people, I tailor my words to meet their interests. For those who liked to watch TV I might tell them about Huang Xiaomin, Guan Guimin and other Divine Performing Arts performer's cultivation stories. For those with children overseas, I describe how many people are applying for refugee status overseas under the name of Falun Gong; for those who understood a little about the darkness of the CCP, I talk to them about the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. As days went by, many people began to understand to truth of Dafa. Once, a person who often used to say bad things about Dafa said, "I truly admire Falun Gong. After all these years of persecution, it has still not wavered."

In clarifying the truth, my strongest feeling is that we cannot have any discrimination in our hearts. We have to treat everyone with compassion, and this is of course what a Dafa disciple should do. A female colleague once cooperated with my supervisor to give me trouble, and frequently asked me not to practice anymore. She would often say how much money I am losing as a result of being blacklisted in the company. I was a little uncomfortable upon hearing this, but still continued to cheerfully tell her about the beauty of Dafa. Once, while working outside in the winter, I lent her my gloves. Now she has already borrowed Dafa books and exercise materials and began practicing at home. She told me that she was sorry for giving me so much trouble before. If I had developed prejudice or discriminated against her, she would have missed this opportunity.

For a very long time, I have passively withstood my company's financial persecution of me. Through studying the Fa and memorizing the Fa, I realized that I have to fully negate everything that the old forces have arranged. Isn't enduring it passively equivalent to helping it destroy sentient beings? I began sending righteous thoughts towards my company supervisors to eliminate this economic persecution and also disintegrate all evil factors that are preventing them from understanding the truth.

I approached my supervisors to request fair treatment. I also clarified the truth about the Tiananmen self-immolation, the global trial of Jiang Zemin, the spread of Dafa around the world, and told them of the universal law that doing good brings rewards and doing evil brings retribution. Some of them secretly told me that they've read truth-clarification materials. Some told me that they know Dafa disciples are all good people and they've received the Nine Commentaries in their fax machines, etc. They agreed to consider the issue and told me to return home to await a response. This is not my goal; saving sentient beings at work and not letting them commit crimes against Dafa disciples is my goal and my responsibility.

Many supervisors and colleagues have received truth-clarification calls, faxes, emails, etc. from overseas. They've also seen flyers, booklets and money with "Quit the CCP" written on them. In the past, my supervisors often interrogated me fiercely, and my colleagues treated me harshly. But now, I have won the respect and admiration of many people. They have developed a positive attitude towards Dafa and have chosen a good future for themselves. This is the magnificence of Dafa and the result of practitioners cooperating as a whole.