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I See a Big Mountain Blocking Practitioners

March 04, 2008 |   By Jue Xin, a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) The persecution has continued for eight years and it is entering its ninth year. The advancement of Fa-rectification has brought new changes to the human world. No matter what these changes are, practitioners' hearts to save the world's people should not changed. Even if Fa-rectification ends tomorrow, we still need to save people today. The Fa has not been changed, the compassion is still the same, so what have we done inadequately? I see that we are blocked by a big mountain, and this big mountain is "me."

We have not let go of the "self," not because we don't want to let go of "self," but because we have not realized the various manifestations of this "selfishness," and we don't have a correct attitude towards this issue.

So what exactly is this "self," and in what way is it hard to recognize? Dafa practitioners have endured eight years of this persecution. Every practitioner who has endured through today has formed a set of human notions. These notions are based on "success." Human notions control human actions and the existence of these notions reinforces practitioners' attachments. The notions were formed after we started cultivating, so many practitioners may not have recognized them.

Some practitioners are attached to their xinxing, some are attached to their enlightenment, some are attached to their wisdom. Some think that their local area has to be the way it is, some think others' way of validating the Fa is not safe, and some think that a steady and solid way of doing things is more reliable, and so on. I believe that these notions have become big obstacles as practitioners save people and form a single body. In some regions, some practitioners are so attached to their own understandings and notions that they can no longer tolerate each other and have started splitting apart into different groups.

So how should we correctly view this? Fundamentally, Master has given us the Fa, the origin of the universe. The Fa does not change, and this is why we can judge that people's hearts have been changed, and this is why beings can be rectified. Therefore, I understand that we should follow the Fa in everything we do.

Today, in the many activities that we do to validate the Fa, some practitioners are willing to cooperate and some are not. Some even say that we "cannot achieve the goal" if we do it a certain way. I think this is because their xinxing and enlightenment has not met the requirement. But the Fa is not like that. The universe has different levels and there are different manifestations at different levels, and different manifestations at different xinxing levels. There are no fixed forms to be followed. How can we say practitioners are not in line with the Fa, other than those senseless ones? Therefore, I believe that when practitioners validate the Fa, we should tolerate all xinxing and enlightenment levels of other practitioners. We are not to change others, but to follow the Fa and do well ourselves. If we can harmonize with the Fa, form a single body and have the heart to save others and consider others, then we will have a big breakthrough to our next step.