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Ms. Sun Xiaohong and Mr. Sun Siye Arrested in Shandong Province

April 18, 2008 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On February 23, 2008, police officers from the Dongguang Station of Tancheng County arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Sun Xiaohong from Guiyi Township (in Tancheng County) and detained her at the Tancheng County Detention Center.

On March 6, 2008, Political Security Office Agent Hou (male, given name unknown) of the Tancheng County Police Department arrested Mr. Sun Siye, who works as a guard at the Tancheng County Firecracker Company. He is from Maoci Village in Dongguan Area, Tancheng County. He is being detained at the Tancheng County Detention Center.