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Chinese Spectacular European Tour Successfully Concludes in Munich (Photos)

April 27, 2008 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) The European tour of the Chinese Spectacular concluded at Munich's Prince Regent Theater on April 18, 2008. The appreciative audience gave the performers a standing ovation during the curtain call.

Reinhardt Schemm, an administrator, was one of the enthusiastic audience members. He said that the show was "overall fantastic." His favorites included "Drummers of the Tang Court" and "Victory Drums," as well as "Lady of the Moon."

Reinhardt Schemm, administrator

Before attending the show, Mr. Schemm had little contact with Chinese culture, although he was interested in it. He said that he was impressed by "the lightness and the joy expressed by the dancers."

Mr. Schemm continued to say, "There must be without a doubt something that is thought-provoking. One cannot only see China as an economic power, and as an absolutely ambitious country, but one also has to remember the 'red' past, which is still present."

Regarding the part of the show that touched upon the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong, Mr. Schemm said, "It is very important that this is addressed."

It was no news to Mr. Schemm that the Chinese Consulate put pressure on the organizers. He said, "A city like Munich can face pressure without being distressed by it. One can take pressure and China will have to learn how to deal with such circumstances."

Social worker, "If one reflects upon what one has seen, one will find inner peace"

Angelina Golfner, a social worker and traditional healer, loved the Chinese Spectacular. "In my mind, the show was impressive and also very natural," said Ms. Golfner.

Ms. Golfner said that she was quite impressed by the different dance and drum scenes and the overall content of the performance. She said, "I found myself getting emotional as I watched certain scenes. What I liked best was simply that truth and justice was brought to the audience. I really liked that part very much. I was truly impressed by this."

The social worker could discern a message to the audience and said with a laugh, "It was the individual's truth and my own truth. I could find it myself. There was much beauty that I and I'm sure also others appreciated."

Regarding the performance of "The Power of Awareness," Ms. Golfner said, "I can imagine what everyone thinks about the principles [of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance]. One would find inner peace [from them]."

Divine Performing Arts performers answer a curtain call at the end of the show