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It Is My Responsibility to Save People, No One Has the Right to Control or Monitor Me

June 21, 2008 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On the morning of June 4, 2008, local Chinese Communist authorities stepped up the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners, claiming it was necessary so that the "Olympic Torch Relay would go smoothly." They instigated two people from the community and five people from my workplace to illegally monitor, control, and follow me 24 hours a day. First they went to my daughter's business to cause trouble. Then they came to my daughter's home to find me. Because I was sending forth righteous thoughts at that time, they couldn't get in.

In the afternoon, I went to Fa study. Even though I had taken a detour, I quickly realized that someone was following me. I thought: "They are predestined beings who want me to save them." So I stopped walking and looked at something in the distance. I heard them greet me awkwardly. I smiled at them and asked, even though I already knew the answer, "Why are you all following me?" They told me that they were only following orders and had no choice. We all sat down on the ground. I asked, "If you hadn't come to look for me, I would have looked for you. First, my husband died due to the persecution. I didn't see any of you show up then. Second, teachers have returned to their positions, why can't Falun Gong practitioners return to their positions? Why didn't Mr. Peng take care of this? Please pass my words on to him that not only does he owe me, he owes Dafa as well. He didn't take care of it because I practice Falun Gong. Today, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has not only taken away my rights once again, but your rights, also. If I really want to do anything, none of you will be able to interfere. Please remember not to do anything that harms Falun Gong.

They didn't look like they would leave, so I began to clarify the truth about Falun Gong, starting from "What is Falun Gong?" to the lie of the "Self-Immolation in Tienanmen Square" and "Why does Jiang Zemin persecute Falun Gong?" One of them said, "Freedom of religion. If you practice privately at home, no one will bother you. Don't cause trouble." I smiled and said," You are following me today. How was I causing trouble? Do I really have freedom of religion?" They were speechless. I continued to talk to them with the Fa principles, "In the past, cultivators only cultivated themselves. But Falun Gong practitioners not only cultivate ourselves, we also save others. For example, we all know this year is already a disastrous year. The Sichuan earthquake has provided a lot of examples. We believe that saving people is our bounden duty. However, the CCP will not let us save people. They use the 'Olympic Torch Relay' as an excuse to illegally detain Falun Gong practitioners or monitor and follow them 24 hours a day. Isn't stopping us from saving people something that would cause gods and even humans to become angry? Every single one of you know how corrupt the CCP is. The real CCP is all about lying, evil acts, and the use of violence. But you serve the CCP willingly, and you are helping it to persecute innocent, good people." We talked for more than two hours. In the end, I told them, "Heaven will eliminate the CCP at any minute. Pease withdraw from the Communist Party, the Youth League, and/or the Young Pioneers and save yourselves.

The next day morning, before 8 o'clock, I took my grandson to kindergarten. After that, I had breakfast at a noodle restaurant. I noticed saw a man sitting outside of a bicycle repair shop across the street. He sat bent over and kept on smoking. He seemed a little familiar. Wasn't he one of the men that I had clarified the truth to the day before? Were they still monitoring and following me? I walked up to him and said loudly, "Why are you sitting here so early?" After confirming it was indeed him, I said, "I see you sitting here furtively. Come on. Just come to my home. Who else is here with you?" He named them. I called out to the rest of them in a Mahjong center and insisted that they come to my place.

When we arrived at my place, I turned on the TV and played theVCD of the 2008 Global Chinese New Year Spectacular for them. "This opportunity is hard to come by," I told them. I graciously entertained them, and I sat and watched the show with them. Occasionally, I explained what Falun Gong is. They praised the show as they watched it, "Wow, this is like seeing Heaven on earth. The background is so beautiful--it changes and moves." When they heard that Mr. Guan Guimin is a Falun Gong practitioner and that he sang in the Spectacular, they insisted on watching it to the end. "Why did he only sing one song?" they asked.

I invited them to stay and eat at my place before they left, but they insisted on leaving and apologized to me profusely, "I am sorry!" they said. I seized the opportunity and said to them, "Let me help you withdraw from the Party and its affiliations." They all said, "OK." I was very happy that they were saved. I thought to myself that Master is so merciful.