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Take the Path Arranged by Teacher

June 24, 2008 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I work in construction sites and change work locations every couple of days. The changes bring me chances to get in touch with more people. I use every opportunity to clarify the truth and make truth-clarification a part of my daily life, as natural as eating or dressing, to save people with predestined relationships everywhere and at every moment. Whenever I meet someone, my first thought is to tell them the truth and seize every opportunity. As long as we want to clarify the truth, we will get opportunities, because Teacher is helping us. We cannot force anything on people, we just clarify the truth with compassion. Whether they agree or not, quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) or not, this is a matter of them choosing their future. But we must give them the chance to choose.

One time I was at a construction site for longer than usual, for about one month. I clarified the truth to people there every day and talked about lots of issues. After they got to know the truth, they were so kind to me, I became a little embarrassed. I know it is not because of their personal feelings towards me, but because their compassion had come out. The status of one's xinxing affects truth clarification. When my xinxing is good, strangers come to me and talk with me happily, which makes it easier to clarify the truth and easier for them to accept the truth.

Our hearts must be righteous when clarifying the truth and we should do it completely for others. A person may represent a giant universe. Elimination of this person means the elimination of the universe he/she corresponds to. I know that people stand for the gods and Buddhas in the universe. Seeing them lost in the maze and not recognizing Dafa, I feel like crying for them and hope they can get to know the truth, obtain the Fa and return to their worlds. How can we not save them! Once a group of people came to our construction site. They looked like gangsters. They told us to stop and asked our boss for money. The boss ran away, but they still refused to leave. I did not want to talk with them since they were so unreasonable. However, after thinking about it again, I realized that they also came for the Fa. To my surprise, they were very nice to me. The head of the group took the initiative and came over to me, and I clarified the truth to him.

Clarifying the truth is also a process of improvement, and as our xinxing improves, we are able to clarify the truth better. Once I felt ill, but I met some people at work and I realized that I must immediately talk to them since we may only have the chance to meet once; they also came for the Fa, after many reincarnations. This may be the only chance for us to meet and for me to clarify the truth to them. After I told them the truth, I found that I did not feel ill any more. There was another time that I felt ill, and I thought that I should clarify the truth. There was a notion in my mind that after clarifying the truth I would feel fine. However after I clarified the truth, I stayed in bed for two days. Why was there such a big difference during these two experiences? Because the last time I did it for others, but this time I did it for the selfish attachment of recovering and it became a loophole for the old forces to exploit.

We must change our human notions. Worldly people change themselves according to the changes of the outside world (through their loss or gain). We assimilate to Dafa, improve our xinxing, and the changes in ourselves change the environment around us. Correcting ourselves will correct the environment. Fear is let go of through cultivation, instead of through avoiding things. Sometimes we have fear during truth clarification, and if that is the case we can adjust ourselves through sending forth righteous thoughts, and studying the Fa. The more truth we clarify, the better our environment will be. With less human notions, there will be less hardship. There will be trouble if we have too many human notions. For example, a practitioner went to clarify the truth at night. Because the practitioner was afraid, the more he was afraid, the more trouble came to him. As a result, several policemen followed him. He tried hard and eventually escaped, however, the police came back in a car. It looked like he could not get away anymore, so he stood next to a door. At that moment he calmed down and was not afraid any more. He thought, "Whatever will happen, just let it happen." Then the police car left.

Many people do not understand Dafa, because they have never experienced it and have never seen someone practicing Dafa. When clarifying the truth, I always tell people that I am a practitioner and let them know that people practicing Falun Gong are not different from others, and that we are just trying to be better people in society. Thus, I must be very strict with myself according to the standard of Dafa, so that I will not bring negative effects toward Dafa. By doing this, I validate Dafa, and also improved myself. It is like "killing two birds with one stone".

I recently realized that there are contents related to Fa-rectification in Zhuan Falun. From the start to the end of Fa rectification, Teacher already told us what to do a long time ago. After the persecution started, I did not validate Dafa for two years and I only stayed home to study the Fa. As a result, I did not get any deeper connotation after studying the Fa for so long. Later I started to validate the Fa, and it felt totally different when reading Zhuan Falun again.

I asked my wife what the purpose was for us to form Fa study groups and study the Fa every day. My wife answered that it is for us to assimilate to Dafa, help Teacher during Fa rectification and save sentient beings. This is our path to return, and every practitioner knows it. However it is not so easy to apply it in daily life. The slight difference in our thoughts actually is as distant as heaven and earth. For example, studying the Fa for the improvement of oneself, validating Dafa for mighty virtue, sending forth righteous thoughts for the safety of oneself: selfishness is deeply hidden in the bones, and it is not so easy to detect it .We must study the Fa more often to truly assimilate to Dafa.

Everything of ours came from Dafa. Doing the three things well is the path arranged by Teacher. If we cannot study the Fa well, we will not be able to do anything well. Validating Dafa and clarifying the truth is the part of our actual cultivation. Without actual cultivation, we will not be able to understand the deeper connotation of Dafa. Because we cultivate while validating Dafa, it is not likely that we will do everything righteously, so we should send forth righteous thoughts more often. Sending forth righteous thoughts will eliminate the interference, and also help us to have a clear and clean mind to study the Fa.

Written on June 9, 2008