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Doing the Three Things in Daily Life

June 25, 2008 |   By a practitioner in Jilin Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I am not good at talking or socializing with others. However, when Teacher asked us to save sentient beings as part of cultivating Dafa, I thought to myself, "No matter what the old forces have arranged for me, I must completely negate them. I will follow Teacher's requirements and arrangements." Therefore, I try my best to overcome my shortcomings and do the three things according to Teacher's requirements in my daily life.

People come to me to study foreign languages. Some are referrals and others seek me out on their own. I cherish all of them, because I believe Teacher arranges to have them come to me to hear the truth and for me to save them. It helps me to make a living and to save people. Even if I only had one student, I would still teach, because fewer students would mean I would have more time to clarify the truth in detail. When the parents come with the students, I often start by chatting about family matters. As time goes by, I slowly tell them the truth about Dafa. Depending on their understanding, I can show some of them the truth-clarifying booklets, magazines, and CDs. At first, they may only take some of the materials, but in time they take them all, and then they even advise their family members to withdraw from CCP and its affiliated organizations.

Teacher said,

"Validate the Fa with rationality, clarify the truth with wisdom, spread the Fa and save people with mercy." ("Rationality" in Essentials for further Advancement II)

I use different techniques to clarify the truth based on the students' or their parents' situations. During the class breaks I sometimes tell stories about divine beings or how people were saved after believing in Falun Dafa. There are three students in one of my classes. I used this method to clarify the truth to them. They liked to listen to the stories and they all withdrew from the CCP Youth League.

Sometimes I ask them where they live. Then I put truth-clarifying materials in their mailboxes or leave them at their doors. I've found that, regardless of whether they are adults or children, once they read the truth-clarifying materials, even if they only see something on a paper bill, they are much more accepting when being advised to withdraw from the CCP. Although they might not have an in-depth understanding, such exposure has set a foundation for future face-to-face truth-clarification.

In the past few years, I have been doing the three things in my daily life. Other than studying the Fa, doing the exercises, and sending righteous thoughts, I always bring with me truth-clarifying materials or posters when I go shopping, walking, or ride a bus. I try to hand out the materials whenever I can. When I clarify the truth to people, if the person knows that I am a practitioner, I just clarify the truth as a Dafa practitioner. If the person does not know that I am a practitioner, I clarify the truth from a third person point of view. This year, my child was able to get into a top high school, and we didn't need to spend a cent. To those parents that know that I practice Falun Dafa, I say that the whole family benefited from one person cultivating. For others, I tell them that my child has good grades because of cultivating Falun Dafa.

Sometimes I am not able to get one person to withdraw from the CCP for several days and I start to feel anxious. When I look within, I realize that the root cause is that I do not have enough compassion. I find it difficult to start a conversation with a person I don't know. For those I do know, I clarify the truth to them if I have good relationship with them. For those I don't have very good relationship with or I feel that the person is very cunning, I am reluctant to clarify the truth to them. This is due to my selfishness and attachment to fear. I am afraid of being reported to the police if I clarify the truth to such people. I have not been considering the future of that person--only my own safety. Teacher asked us to consider others first to awaken selflessness and altruism. I am far from Teacher's requirements, but I will follow his teachings, "Pause for a moment of self-reflection, and increase your righteous thoughts. Thoroughly analyze your shortcomings, and progress with renewed diligence." ("Rational and Awake" in Hong Yin II). From now on, I will rectify every thought that is not aligned with the Fa and be diligent in my cultivation. I will make the best use of my time to save more people so that Teacher's purpose of salvation won't be in vain.

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