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Greeley, Colorado: Falun Dafa Joins the World's Largest 4th of July Rodeo & Western Celebration (Photos)

July 09, 2008 |   By a Western practitioner from Colorado

(Clearwisdom.net) Local Falun Dafa practitioners participated in the July 4th Stampede/9News parade in Greeley, Colorado. The parade is billed as part of the "World's Largest 4th of July Rodeo & Western Celebration." Thousands of spectators of all ages and walks of life packed both sides of the street along the one and one half mile long parade route. Over 85,000 people showed up to watch the parade, 5,000 more than usual.

The weather was gorgeous. Many young practitioners participated in the parade, holding banners and waving at the crowds. Spectators waved and applauded as the float passed with beautiful serene music in the background.

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