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Civil Servant in Changchun Sent to Forced Labor Camp Four Times

October 01, 2009 |  

Name: Wang Wei (王玮)
Gender: Male
Age: 41
Address: Nanchang Neighborhood, Qinghe Community, Chaoyang District, Changchun City
Occupation: Unknown
Date of Most Recent Arrest: October 12, 2007
Most Recent Place of Detention:
Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp (朝阳沟劳教所)
City: Changchun
Persecution Suffered:
Detention, extortion, home ransacked, dismissed from job.
Key Persecutors:
Liu Xiangdong (刘向东), Xiao Xin (肖欣), Jing Chunfeng (荆春风)

(Clearwisdom.net) (By a correspondent from Changchun) Mr. Wang Wei is a former employee of the Office of Rural Works (later renamed as Office of the Financial Services Leadership Group) under the Jilin Province CCP Committee. He was sentenced to forced labor four times for his belief in Falun Gong.

In late November 2000, Mr. Wang went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and was arrested in Tiananmen Square by officers from the Tiananmen Police Station. He was taken to the Huairou Detention Center in the evening and tortured until 2:00 a.m. the next morning. On the following day he was taken to the Qinghe Police Station by officers from the Changchun Public Security Department stationed in the Beijing Office, which in turn took him to the Changchun City No. 2 Detention Center. On December 30, 2000, his employer bailed him out. It was later discovered that Liu Xiangdong from the Legal Office of the Changchun City Public Security Department had taken the family's laptop computer valued at over 10,000 yuan and an air conditioning unit valued at over 5,000 yuan. These two items were given to two of his supervisors as gifts.

In early January 2001, Mr. Wang was placed under house arrest for refusing to cooperate with Wang Shouchen, director of his workplace (presently the deputy governor of Jilin Province). Mr. Wang's director was slandering Falun Gong at a work meeting. Mr. Wang was later taken to the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp for a one-year term.

In March 2003, with the silent permission of the local 610 Office and the leadership of his workplace, officers from the Domestic Security Division arrested Mr. Wang at work. They took him to an undisclosed location for torture. He was later taken to the Changchun City No. 1 Detention Center where he was held for nearly three months before he was sentenced to two years of forced labor.

Mr. Wang was released in September 2004 and went back to work in October. Xiao Xin, the director at his job at that time, refused to let Mr. Wang return to work. They withheld his salary and gave him 300 yuan per month as a basic living allowance. Xiao Xin was directly involved in the persecution of Mr. Wang, trying to force him to write a guarantee statement until Ge Zhongyu took over his position.

In April 2005, several members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) committee where Mr. Wang worked assisted the local 610 Office and the Changchun City Public Security Department in arresting Mr. Wang. Jing Chunfeng and other officers at the Qinghe Police Station participated in the persecution and the search of Mr. Wang's home. Mr. Wang was fired from his job this time and sentenced to one year of forced labor. In November 2006, prior to the Asian Winter Games in Changchun City, the chief of the Qinghe Police Station and officer Jing Chunfeng went to Mr. Wang's home to harass him.

On October 1, 2007, Jing Chunfeng and other officers went to Mr. Wang's home again to harass him but were shut out this time.

On October 12, 2007, Jing Chunfeng, along with officers from the Domestic Security Division of the Jilin Province Public Security Bureau, Changchun City Public Security Department, and Chaoyang District Public Security Department, arrested Mr. Wang outside his home. After he was detained for 15 days, he was taken to Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp to serve an 18-month term. When he was due to be released on April 11, 2009, his term was extended another ten days.