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Many Practitioners from Shouguang City, Shandong Province Arrested

October 17, 2009 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) (Correspondent from Shandong Province) On September 25, 2009, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials from the government of Yingli Town, Shouguang City and local police arrested five Falun Gong practiitoners and detained them in a local detention and brainwashing center, which they called the "Law Training Center." The arrested practitoners were Ms. Yang Guiyun, Ms. Yang Guimei, Ms. Yang Guihua, Ms. Wu Yunfeng and Ms. Wu Sanxiang. On the same day about seven police from Zhanqian Police Station of Shouguang City arrested practitioner Ms. Liu Fengxiang from Sha-ar Village, Shengcheng Street and also detained her in the so-called Law Training Center.

At about 9 p.m. on September 25, 2009 three female officials from the One Child Policy Enforcement Office of Yingli Town, including Yang Guisen, Wang Yun, and two police from the local police station armed with handcuffs and police batons went to Ms. Yang Huihua's home and tried to break in. Ms. Yang refused to open the door so they kicked the door open so violently that the glass from the door shattered. Before Ms. Yang could even get dressed the group of people forced her into a waiting vehicle. When she cried out for help, a policeman forced her arms behind her back, severely injuring one of them in the process. At the same time a policeman grabbed her hair and punched her head, shouting: "Don't cry or we will kill you." After the beating Ms. Yang's head was swollen for many days. She was in so much pain that she could not sleep. To prevent her from crying out, police gagged her with a bed sheet. She was then sent to the Law Training Center, which is located at an ammunition strorehouse.

During her detention Ms. Yang went on a hunger strike to protest her mistreatment. She was then released on October 1. Ms. Yang has a two-year-old daughter, but was unable to work because of the injuries to her arm from when she was arrested. She is now leading a hard life and cannot even afford to pay her rent.

The two police armed with handcuffs and police batons went to arrest Ms. Yang Guimei when she was threshing corn at her home. After identifying Ms. Yang, the police tried to arrest her by force. They cuffed her hands behind her back and dragged her to a vehicle and forced her inside. When she cried out for help the police covered her mouth with their hands. As a result, her face was scratched and bled. Then she was then detained again at the brainwashing center at the ammunition storehouse.

When the police went to arrest Ms. Wu Yunfeng they went to the wrong address. When the elderly lady who was not a practitioner answered the door, she was so scared by them that she had a heart attack. After Ms. Wu was arrested and sent to the Law Training Center she went on a hunger strike to protest the arrest. The guards released her only after she appeared to suffer from a hemorrhage.

Ms. Wu Sanxiang, about 60 years old, went on a hunger strike after she was arrested and sent to the Law Training Center. The guards released her because she vomited blood.

When the police went to arrest Ms. Yang Guiyun they required her to show her ID card, but Ms. Yang told them that she lost it. The police ransacked her home and confiscated three packages of documents. They then held her in a dentention center for one month. With no one to do the work on her farm, her husband had to come back from another city where he worked as a laborer in order to take care of the autumn harvest.

At around 7 p.m. on September 25, about seven officers from Zhanqian Police Station headed by police chief Li and a 40-year-old communist party committee secretary of the locality, Li, went to Ms. Liu Fengxiang's home, arrested her and also sent her to the Law Training Center. Each time they arrest Falun Gong practitioners from Sha-ar Village they always congregate at the home of Fan Lixiao, the secretary of the communist party committee of the village, before they set out to arrest Falun Gong practitioners.

Now more than ten Falun Gong practitioners are held in the Law Training Center. The authorities plan to keep them locked up until the National Sports Competition is over. A director named Wang is in charge of the detained practitoners.