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Believing in Teacher and Dafa, Experiencing Miracles

November 17, 2009 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a 68-year-old female Falun Dafa practitioner from Heilonjiang Province. I would like to share a miracle that I experienced.

On September 13, 2009, I went to the distribution market in the Ninth District of Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, to buy some rice noodles.

Next to the noodle vendor's booth was a cellar he used to store rice noodles. That day, the cellar lid was accidentally removed, and, not noticing it, I fell right into the ten-foot deep concrete-surfaced cellar. My neck was pinned against the wall, and I was unable to speak. My first thought was to ask Teacher for help. In my heart I said, "Teacher, please save me!" The owner came down, moved my head a little bit and I was able to speak. Then I shouted several times, "Teacher, please save me! Teacher, please save me!" The owner was very scared and asked me, "Old lady, how are you feeling?" I said, "I am alright." He asked his assistant to carry me up, but I said, "There's no need to carry me, I am okay, I can walk." Then I climbed up the stairs.

Both my hat and clothes were soaked from the blood that kept running down from my head. The owner and his assistant wanted to take me to a hospital, but I said, "I'm okay, just give me a bundle of rice noodles so I can pay you and go home. I'm okay." But the owner insisted on taking me to a hospital, and called a taxi. I told him that I was fine and to please dismiss the taxi so that he could look after his other customers. The taxi driver waited for a while, but seeing that I was firm about not going to the hospital, he left.

The owner then called one of his relatives to drive their own car to take me to a hospital. They wanted my wounds stitched and an X-ray taken of my injury. A doctor said that just a few days before, someone with a similar injury had died the following day. The owner then became even more frightened. To put his mind at ease, I said, "I practice Falun Gong. My Teacher is taking care of me. I will be fine. Don't worry. And I won't sue you later." I clarified the truth about Falun Dafa to the owner, the doctor, and the nurses. As a result, they all quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations.

The owner, who is 38 years old, was a nice person. He held me when the doctor was stitching my wounds, although his hands were shaking. Then he wanted me X-rayed. I told him that I didn't need it but he insisted on having the doctor do it. I told him, "I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. My Teacher is taking care of me. There won't be any problem. You work hard for your money, don't waste it, I'm okay." But he insisted on having the doctor take the X-ray. The results were positive. The owner said, "You are such a nice person. May you live one hundred years!" I told him, "All Dafa practitioners are this good. Some are even better than me. It's our Teachers who has taught us to be good people." He said, "Ma'am, it is so considerate of you to try and save me money. I really want to thank you." I said, "It's my Teacher that protected me." He said, "Yes, I witnessed that myself. It was quite a miracle!"

After I got home, he called me every day, asking me to go to the hospital for an injection. I told him that I didn't need it, not to waste his money and not to worry. My mind was very calm and pure without any thought of complaint. My home is a group Fa study site. I study the Fa and do the exercises at home. Some practitioners come to my home in the morning and some come in the afternoon. I study the Fa with them throughout the day. We study three lectures of Zhuan Falun each day. In addition, I read and listen to one lecture on my own. That means I study five lectures each day. When I read the Fa by myself, I always sit in the lotus position with both legs crossed. I also tried to do that during the entire Fa study, but my knees were purple due to the injury and my hipbone was also painful. But, I persisted in sitting in the lotus position, which caused a burning sensation in my back due to a lot of weight. I endured it without a break throughout the entire duration of Fa study, as did other practitioners.

I know that nothing happens by accident in cultivation, and whether something good or bad happens to someone, it should always be seen as a good thing. Even when the pain was very hard to bear, I could do the exercises without any problem. I thought it was quite amazing. My entire back and spinal column were swollen and had turned purple, but I didn't feel any pain when doing the exercises. On the second day, I didn't feel any pain on almost 80 percent of the bruises on my back. On the third day, all the purple bruises had turned yellow, then completely disappeared. When I got home from the hospital, a bloody bump the size of an egg that was on the back of my head had disappeared within two hours. I had a lot of pain in my left ribs and dared not cough since it would cause me a lot of pain, but it was also soon gone. The practitioners were moved to tears to see Teacher's continued protection of Dafa practitioners. He also cleaned up my body even more. On the third day, in my hipbone some extravasated blood had showed up as purple bruises and I started to feel some pain in that area. Everything then returned to normal in two days.

During that time, I clearly felt that Teacher was adjusting my body, my ribs, and my spine. One time there was a sound of "bang" in my left rib, after which I no longer felt the pain in my rib. Another time was at night. After I did the exercises and sent forth righteous thoughts at midnight, I started listening to a lecture, when my spine made another sound of "bang." Since then, I haven't had any pain in my back. Whenever I felt great pain, I thought of Teacher's Fa and said to the evil, "You want to give me pain, I will give you pain. It's my body. It listens to my words, it listens to me. I am only following my Teacher's arrangement. I will completely reject all the 'persecutions' arranged by the old forces, the black hands, and rotten spirits forced on me by the evil communist party."

Through this experience, I feel even more that Teacher is strengthening and protecting Dafa disciples at all times. Every sentence and every word of Teacher's is true. That's why everyday people accept the truth so quickly. I think that as Dafa disciples, under no circumstance should we forget Teacher's teaching. Let's cultivate to be enlightened beings who are selfless and altruistic, and always be considerate of others first. I try always to think of others. As long as we do what Teacher asks with a pure mindset, we will naturally exhibit the status of cultivators and assimilate to the Fa.

October 31, 2009