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Some Thoughts on Harmonizing the Whole Body

December 09, 2009 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) My understanding is that harmonizing the whole body means that each practitioner should do his or her share of Dafa work. When a project for saving sentient beings needs practitioners working together to achieve the goal, the project also requires practitioners to harmonize as a single body.

There are many activities that practitioners participate in, including: making truth clarification materials, distributing materials, performing coordination work, Internet projects, one-on-one truth clarification work, persuading people to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. telephone projects, writing letters and making banners, and organizing for sending forth righteous thoughts. These efforts are examples of harmonizing the whole body, the only difference is that each effort has its own concrete form.

However, in our daily life, work and Fa validation environments, sometimes fellow practitioners may display human notions and conflicting ideas due to their cultivation processes. If we don't look inward in a timely fashion, a separation among practitioners may develop, causing a negative impact on the coordination of a whole body. A short while ago, we needed to divide the production and distribution center for Dafa materials in my area into several smaller ones for more efficient distribution of the material. I needed to distribute some equipment to other practitioners. At the time, a fellow practitioner wanted to open a materials center at his/her own home and said something that was not in agreement with my notions. My attachments to competitiveness, jealousy, and resentment were triggered.

Later, I watched Teacher's Fa lecture video. Through studying the Fa and looking inward, I realized that my unbalanced mind and the notion of competing with a fellow practitioner were actually due to my attachment to doing things. Wasn't my argument with fellow practitioners due to my attachment to competitiveness? When a fellow practitioner expresses his or her willingness to do Fa validation work in order to achieve broader distribution of truth materials, I did not feel happy for the fellow practitioner, but was resentful instead. Isn't this due to my attachment to jealousy? All of these human notions create separation among fellow practitioners, and impede them from becoming a solid, unbreakable whole body. These human notions are not my true self, but were formed during my lifetime. I am here to assimilate to Dafa and to be a practitioner that validates Dafa. I should do as Teacher requests. Therefore, I don't want these human notions. I don't approve of them and want to eliminate them. After eliminating these human notions and attachments, my heart regained balance and calmness. Then, it became much easier and pleasant for me and the fellow practitioner to coordinate with each other to accomplish the work. Looking inward is truly a magic weapon.

Last year, local authorities arrested this fellow practitioner. When I heard the news, I immediately contacted other practitioners and coordinated sending forth righteous thoughts and a rescue effort. I also realized that practitioners are a whole body and that harmonizing the practitioner's unfinished work actually harmonized the whole body. After a discussion with my wife, I took over the Fa validation work left by the arrested practitioner and did my best in every aspect to minimize the loss. Later, the local coordinator arranged for another practitioner to take over and continue this work. Subsequently, the whole body was harmonized.

Each and every practitioner is a particle in Dafa. We take concrete forms when we come together, then we break the form and turn it back into particles while we are away from each other. Teacher requested that we improve and upgrade as a whole. We should follow what Teacher asks us to do. Therefore, I spoke to our local coordinator about quickly restoring the group to study Master's teachings and create the cultivation environment that Teacher wants for us. We went to a neighboring village that was quite a long distance away. There was only one senior practitioner who could not read but would join the group study. Nonetheless, we sat down and studied the Fa together. After reading each chapter, we discussed our understandings and shared cultivation experiences in order to improve ourselves. Because our minds and the field were righteous, soon after, other practitioners in the village came to join us in group Fa study. I realized that, as long as we correctly set our goals according to the Fa and have the will to harmonize the whole body and Dafa, Teacher can do anything for us. Harmonizing is what Teacher wants, and completing our prehistoric pledge is the responsibility of Fa-rectification period practitioners. This is also a form of harmonizing the whole body.

The above is my personal understanding of harmonizing the whole body. Fellow practitioners, please kindly point out anything inappropriate.

November 22, 2009