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Several Falun Dafa Practitioners Arrested in Luchuan County, Guangxi Province

December 09, 2009 |   By a Minghui Correspondent in Guangxi Province

(Clearwisdom.net) On November 24, 2009, several teams of police officers from Luchuan county police system, in Guangxi, ransacked several Falun Dafa practitioners' homes. Ms. Liu Juan, Ms. Lu Yanqing, Ms. Li Chunkui, Mr. Chen Jiangyong, Ms. Ya Sanmei and her mother, Ms. Li Yaxian and her son Lin were all arrested. Now they are under persecution in a detention center in Luchuan County.

At five in the morning on November 24, several police broke into Ms. Liu Juan's house with the excuse of "searching for fireworks." They ravaged her home from the first floor to the third floor, and in the process, confiscated two books related to Dafa, and then arrested her.

Ms. Li Yaxian and her son, Lin ,live near Wenchang Street, Luchuan County. Around five in the morning on November, 24, several police broke into her home. Not only did they confiscate an unknown number of their personal items, but they arrested both Ms. Li and her son. The day before, Ms. Li answered a phone call saying that her daughter Lin Tingjiao, who was in prison could go home on the 24th, with the condition that only her father could pick her up. Lin Tingjiao is a student at Yulin Normal University, and she had been arrested for distributing Falun Gong materials on a train a month prior. After being released, the Yulin Police Department, the Luchuan County Police Department and her school forced her to write the "Three Statements." She was staying home because her school had closed due to the H1N1 flu. She was told to go back to school on November 12, 2009. Later, it was confirmed that she had been arrested, most likely during her stay at school.

Ms. Lu Yanqing is an officer in Luchuan County Judicial Bureau. On the morning of November 24, 2009, several police invaded her home. The police officers took away her computer, and then arrested her.

Ms. Li Chunkui, who is an elementary teacher in Changhe School, Wenquan, Luchuan county, and Ms. Ya Sanmei, who is a farmer in Dongshan Village, Wenquan Town, Luchuan County, went to Ya's parents' house in Sanshan Village, Daqiao Town. At around 10 a.m. on November 24, both were arrested by the police. Ya Sanmei's mother was arrested as well.

Mr. Chen Jiangyong is a business man in the medical field. Around three p.m. on November 24, several police barged into his home, arrested him, and took away forty DVDs and two Dafa books. Around seven at night, police invaded his home again and took away some personal items.

Ms. Feng Shiwumei, who owns her own company, also had her privacy invaded. Around eight a.m. on November, 24, several police went to her company and searched through her belongings. Soon after that they entered her home and rooted through her personal belongings.

Qiu Shuhua, vice director of the Luchuan County Police Department in Guangxi Province, also the head of the 610 Office, is an evil man. He has arrested several Dafa practitioners in person. He has brought people from the city to arrest Dafa practitioners as well. He has confiscated uncountable items which belong to practitioners. Qiu Shuhua, Luo Shengqing, who is the director of Wenquan Police Station, and several police officers arrested Dafa practitioner Ms. Pang Fengqing in Fengchun Village, Wenquan Town on October 17, 2009. At five o'clock that same day, they broke into Pang Fengqing's house and took away some Dafa books and some truth-clarifying materials. They sent Pang Fengqing to Guangxi Female Labor Camp to be persecuted. Around nine p.m. on May 9, 2009, Qiu Shuhua brought Chen Ming and other six police and broke into Ms. Luo Huanying's house. They invaded and searched her home and sent Luo Huanying to the Luchuan County Detention Center. On May 13, 2009, Chen Ming brought some police to invade Luo Huanying's home again, and they sent Luo to the Nanning Female Labor Camp on June 12, 2009.

Here are some related phone numbers:
Chen Guangda , director of the 610 Office in the county: 86-13878073999(Cell)
Qiu Shuhua, vice director of Luchuang County Police Department: 86-13635028899(Cell), 86-13807752251(Cell)
Chen Ming, Chief of Domestic Security Division of Luchuang County Police Department: 86-775-7225554, 86-775-7228829