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Clarifying the Truth Gradually in the Workplace

March 18, 2009 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Lan and I work in the same company. She works in the workshop and had wanted to clarify the truth to her coworkers for a long time. However, since most of them have been deeply deceived by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and didn't want to know the truth (and her supervisor had warned her not to talk about it), she made no progress for more than half a year. People around her recognize her as a good person, and she gets along with everyone very well.

Since I came to the company, we have worked together as a team. At the beginning, Ms. Lan asked me to prepare some booklets that included accounts of tribulation. She asked me not to include information about Falun Gong or withdrawing from the CCP. Since our work schedule in the company varies and is sometimes tight and sometimes loose, many people would read novels in their spare time. Some of them started to read our booklets, and gradually more people joined in.

We continued to make more booklets, and gradually included some facts about Falun Gong. People continued to read them. Then we began to include some news about quitting the CCP. People still continued to read them. However, Ms. Lan still didn't speak to anyone on these subjects. Ms. Lan told me, "They are just like my own children. I want to take care of them and let them grow gradually." Unwittingly, it seemed that people looked on Falun Gong with less disfavor than they had before.

There is a coworker in the same workshop as Ms. Lan. Her husband is a policeman who had been involved in arresting Ms. Lan. However, Ms. Lan never told her about it in case she would have felt embarrassed. She treated the policeman's wife with careful attention.

Later Ms. Lan got an MP5 player with a large screen and was able to play any type of VCD. We uploaded some programs from New Tang Dynasty TV and some other programs such as "Traveling Heaven and Earth Through Wind and Rain," the movie "Astonishment," and so on. Many people crowded around to watch them. One of them watched the movie four times. One day we saw two people were calling out something near a wall. Curious, we went closer. They were calling, "Falun Dafa is good! Falun Dafa is good!"

Gradually we loaded more programs into the player, including the TV series Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. One day, I heard two people discussing it amongst themselves, "Do you know whether it is difficult to learn Falun Gong? It requires double crossing the legs like Yoga. Maybe we can try it." They turned to me, "We want to understand your Master's lectures. The CCP burned all the books. We don't know what Falun Gong is. Can we listen to your Master's lectures and see what it is about?" I was really moved.

Ms. Lan told me, "One cannot clarify the truth too much beyond what the audience can accept. When you tell it gradually, you can pay attention to what they are ready for and change accordingly." She believed we should make it possible for a person to truly quit the CCP from the bottom of his heart, not just as a formality.

I once asked her, "Why do others trust you so much and like to be with you?" She answered, "There are no secrets. I just truly think well of them." I was shocked. That's true. Just treat others well and do everything for the sake of others. Gradually they will be saved.

Now the workshop where Ms. Lan works has become a truth-clarifying hot spot. Many visitors even come to ask Ms. Lan for truth-clarifying materials. Her supervisor gradually changed as well. Not long ago, that policeman's wife said to Ms. Lan, "Hurry up! You need to change the supervisor completely." Ms. Lan smiled and asked her, "Have you been saying, 'Falun Dafa is good?'" She answered, "I say it every day." Now Ms. Lan has been promoted from a worker to an assistant, then to a technician in charge of product quality.

February 28, 2009