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Clarifying the Truth in a Mountainous Region

April 20, 2009 |   By a Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I obtained Dafa in October in 1995. No matter what I encountered in my cultivation, I have never doubted or changed my belief in Dafa. I have strictly followed Dafa's principles and put them into action in validating Dafa.

My situation was relatively good, and then I married a man in the mountains whose family was quite poor. After getting married, my life changed completely. Someone asked me, "Why did you marry a man from the mountains?" I didn't really know at the time, either.

On July 20, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong. Dafa practitioners began to clarify the truth about Falun Gong distribute materials, and validate Dafa. At the time, I was working in a local factory, and I rarely went to the city. Some fellow practitioners in the city sent me hundreds of truth-clarification materials. I quickly understood that Master had arranged for me to come to the mountains to save people with predestined relationships with Dafa. I must try my best and help every person in this mountain region learn the facts about Dafa. Later on when others talked about how superior the city was, I was not moved because I knew that I am a Dafa disciple who follows Master in validating the Fa. I am not here to live a comfortable life.

I asked for two days leave from my work and went home. I asked my husband how many villages were located nearby. Based on the size of each village, I divided up the truth-clarification materials. I brought a few sweaters and T-shirts and visited various places. I distributed some materials whenever I found an appropriate place for them.

There is quite some distance between villages. Some small villages only have over a dozen families. Often I would travel 8-9 miles on a mountain road by bicycle, and the road was covered with sand or gravel. During the summertime, the sun made the road extremely hot. I had to push my bike uphill sometimes, and I felt very tired. At certain points, I had to take a break after every few steps. Later on, I thought to myself that I am a Dafa practitioner and I came here to save sentient beings. I sent forth righteous thoughts and asked Master in my heart, "Please give me some energy!" After that, my bike moved forward automatically and I would walk with it. Seeing that, I was touched. Master was helping me! I became further determined to endure more difficulties and strengthen my resolve in saving more sentient beings. I would eat some tree flowers if I was hungry or drink some water in the mountain stream if I was thirsty. I took breaks by lying down by the roadside.

Soon I visited every mountain village in our township. Some villages had paintings or posters slandering Dafa. I would tear them down when I could, and then I would post Dafa truth-clarification materials in the same spot. I then sent forth righteous thoughts and hoped that every villager who saw the materials would learn the facts about Dafa.

The above is my experience in validating Dafa. Compared with others, I feel I am still far behind. In the future, I will spend more time in Fa study and steadily do the three things well. I hope that Master will be pleased to see me like that and does not need to worry too much. I will try to save more sentient beings with various methods and diligent cultivation practice.