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Righteous Gods Are Helping Us Validate Dafa

April 22, 2009 |   By a practitioner from Dezhou, Shandong province

(Clearwisdom.net) I started practicing Falun Gong in 1997 and I am a Dafa practitioner during the Fa rectification period. Besides doing well the three things that Teacher requires us to do, we need to set a good example for new practitioners so that we can move forward together to save sentient beings and fulfill our prehistoric missions.

Practitioner A started practicing in 2006. Although she started late, she has a good understanding of the Fa when she encounters problems. She actively does the three things well. When she saw me carrying informational materials, she voluntarily donated money for making more. In her own words, "My mission is to save sentient beings."

Clarifying the truth is one of the three things Teacher asks us to do. It is our responsibility. At the beginning, I showed her how to distribute information in the city. Now we are doing it together. She has a beautiful daughter, who also helps us to post and distribute materials. She started with distributing materials in rural areas: from two to three copies at a time to a dozen, and now several hundred copies. Her attachment of fear gradually disappeared. Now she can do it fearlessly and with dignity.

I cultivate with my celestial eye opened. Teacher opened my celestial eye very early on. I witnessed the magnificence of our validating the Fa that Teacher described, such as righteous gods helping us to validate the Fa. It is truly happening.

Fall is the harvest season in rural China. One fall day we went to the countryside to distribute truth-clarifying materials. Many families have dogs. As soon as we entered a village, a group of watchdogs rushed at us, barking. I was not afraid and only said, "Don't bark. It is very noisy." As soon as I said that, they immediately stopped barking and only made low noises. When we had passed through the village and were leaving, the dogs wagged their tails at us, and none of them barked.

Teacher said in Zhuan Falun, "only the energy field from cultivating a true teaching can have this effect."

We are Dafa practitioners, so we have the energy that can rectify all incorrect states. In addition, we are assisting Teacher to validate Dafa and doing the most righteous thing in the universe. As long as we have good xinxing and strong righteous thought, the evils cannot find a loophole. Teacher will not allow any interference.

I know that some practitioners stay at home, study the Fa, and practice the exercises because of their attachment of fear. I hope those practitioners can follow Teacher's words, cherish this precious opportunity, let go of their human notions, and step forward. Saving sentient beings is our prehistoric mission. The time is running out.

Fellow practitioners, don't be afraid, as we have Teacher's protection and the righteous gods' assistance.