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Persecutor Li Xiuying from Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp Receives Karmic Retribution

May 28, 2009 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Li Xiuying is a woman from Haidian District, Beijing. She was sent to Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp twice for using drugs. During Li's first imprisonment in Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp, the police selected her as one of the prisoners to persecute practitioners, as Li was sinister and ruthless. The labor camp put the steadfast practitioners into a special team called "Attacking Hard Team," and the guards incited Li along with others to use various methods to torture practitioners in the "Attacking Hard Team." Li and her accomplices looked upon those guards in the labor camp as the boss, and the whole thing worked like a mafia gang. They thought that only by being loyal to "the bosses" could they get some extra "rewards," or some day have their prison terms reduced and be released early. They lost their conscience and hearts for this pitiful benefit. What they did escalated the evilness of the persecution and made the environment of the labor camp extremely hostile to practitioners.

Ironically, Li Xiuying's sentence was never reduced, not even by one day. Then, after she was released, she became addicted to drugs again. Her family was very upset and reported her. Around September 2007, Li was sent to the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp again. Seeing Li made the labor camp guards happy, and she once again became the guards' tool to persecute practitioners. Li believed that persecuting practitioners was the only way for her to survive in the labor camp.

Li was soon after diagnosed with cancer. The labor camp didn't want to shoulder responsibility, and contacted Li's family to take her home. But Li's family refused. The labor camp then sent Li to the Tuanhe Hospital.

Li had leukemia. The illness tortured her and made her feel that death was close at hand. During the late stages of the illness, Li's body began to have red blood welts, like the wounds from a whipping. Li's family abandoned her, and the labor camp didn't provide her with good medical treatment. At this moment, practitioners disregarded what Li had done to them. They talked with Li and reminded her to respect Dafa, and believe that "Falun Dafa is good."

The last several days of her life, Li seemed to understand. She always murmured that she was receiving karmic retribution. In October 2008, 46-year-old Li died in Tuanhe Hospital in Beijing. The labor camp threatened other prisoners who witnessed Li's death to keep silent.

We would like to warn those persecutors and the guards not to sell your conscience for a little benefit. To the Chinese Communist Party, a person's life is worth nothing. If you cherish your life, it is time to learn the truth about Falun Dafa, respect Dafa, treat Dafa practitioners well, and redeem your future.