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Miracles in My Medical Practice

June 06, 2009 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a Falun Dafa practitioner and a retired doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. I would like to share some of my personal experiences during my medical practice.

First Story

I had a 50-year-old male patient with good standing in the society. He was an honest person with good values, an able talker and successful at work. His family was affluent. He also had a big heart and always helped people in need. Unfortunately, he suffered from multiple diseases, such as diabetes, gallstones, heart disease, and rheumatism. After seeking all kinds of medical help and taking a variety of medicines, his condition did not improve. In fact, his health was declining when he came to see me. His family members were all worried, and he told me, "My condition is so hopeless that doctors even refused to perform a gallstone surgery because they did not have confidence in my health. Life is just too hard for me." I told him, "My Master could save you. You should recite 'Falun Dafa is good' and 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.'" He replied, "I trust Falun Dafa is good, but will your Master really help me?" I assured him, "I believe our Master will help you, Master is the most compassionate person, and he views all people as his relatives. I am Master's disciple, so Master's relative is also my relative."

I convinced him to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliations that he had joined before. I also gave him a copy of the book Zhuan Falun.

Two weeks later, he came back to see me. "You were right, Master took care of me. Ever since I left your office last time, I no longer had pain and I never took another pill. Can you help me to buy an MP3 player with the Falun Gong music and lectures? I will start practicing Falun Gong," he asked me excitedly. The next day, I gave him a VCD with Master's lectures and an MP3 player. This man and his wife started to learn the exercises immediately. He later told me, "What a wonderful practice! Why did the CCP ban it? Falun Dafa should be taught to all children at an early age." Since he is a highly respected man at home, he told many of his relatives and friends, "You should all start to say 'Falun Dafa is good.' The CCP forbids people to praise Falun Gong. I don't buy the CCP's evil propaganda."

Second Story

In the spring of 2003, several people assisted a woman into my clinic. She was overweight, her face was swollen, and she could not move her arms. She told me, "One evening two years ago, I was cutting hay. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my hand, which was so bad that I started to cry. The next day, I found a dead snake that was cut into two pieces. I realized I was bitten by that snake. After seeing doctors, my condition got worse. Now my hands are useless, and without being able to use them, I have to eat like a pig. My family is financially broke and I really have no desire to seek any more treatments. I have made up my mind to let nature take its course on me. People said that your medicine is the best and my husband and children insisted that I see you. Do you think I still have any hope? If you can't help me, I will not blame you. I don't want to live like this forever."

I said to her, "Since you are here, we will find a cure for you." I prescribed five different kinds of herbal medicine for her. A month later, she came back to report some progress. She wanted to continue getting treatments from me. I knew our Master had helped her, because she suffered from karmic retribution, and herbal medicine could not have an effect. I told her, "I cannot claim the credit of a divine intervention. How could I have such a capability?" I went on to say, "You should recite with ultimate sincerity, 'Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.' Only my Master can save you."

She was a very sincere person. After she went back, she and her family recited those words often. Even the children did it. Her condition improved rapidly and she completely recovered within a short period of time. Three months later, she came to thank me and I told her, "Our great Master saved you. You should thank Master and Falun Dafa. In the future, when you see people in trouble, teach them to say 'Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.'"

In recent years, she often referred some patients to me. All those people have learned the facts of Dafa, and they also became healthy again.

Third Story

Years ago, a patient with a severe heart condition came to me. He suffered for many years, and the medical advice he had received and modern medicine had failed to help him. After two to three years working with him, I told him to see other doctors. He told me, "I have been ill for a dozen years. I have seen quite a few doctors, but you are by far the best. I just want to come to you. I will go to others for diagnosis, but I will only take your prescriptions."

It was the summer of 2000, when the CCP attacked Falun Gong with a crazy vengeance. I knew my medicine could not help him. He could only be helped by the Falun Gong practice. I asked him, "I want to teach you a practice, are you interested?" He said, "I was just about to ask you what you have been practicing. Can you teach me?" I replied, "Would you be too scared to hear what I have to say?" He answered, "I trust you, what you do must be the best. After knowing you for all these years, I noticed something different about you from other doctors. I am not afraid of anything. Please teach me." Seeing his determination, I taught him some Dafa exercise movements. After he learned them, he left quietly. I did not hear anything from him for years.

Three years later, one day he came back with his child to see me. He was a completely different man. He looked healthy and had a strong body. I was happy to see him, "You are still alive! Why did you not come back to see me?" He said, "My disease was cured, so why should I have come back to see you?" "How did that happen?" I wondered. He told me, "After you taught me the exercises, I just kept doing them and my symptoms vanished. Can you teach me more?" I told him to show me his movement. Out of the three sets of exercises, he only managed to get one part right, conjoining the hands. But because of this little effort, his severe heart disease had been cured. I was so amazed by Master's boundless compassion and wonderful effect of Dafa. I told him, "Dafa saved your life. You should do everything to validate Dafa." From that day on, he began to clarify the truth and distribute Dafa materials.

Fourth Story

A man in his thirties was assisted by another man into my office. After I examined him, I had to tell him that he had a heart disease. "Can you help me treat it?" he asked. "I think so." "Really?" He was skeptical. I said, "A young man should not think negatively." He took out a pile of papers that were his diagnosis from the famous Xijing Hospital in Northwest China. One paper listed five different kinds of heart disease. Doctors recommended heart surgery, but he would have had to deposit 500,000 yuan as a down payment. He told me, "A poor peasant like me does not even have 50,000 yuan, let alone 500,000 yuan, which is an astronomical number that scares me to death. I had no choice but to wait for nature to take its course. A cousin of mine, a former patient of yours, who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis, told me about you." I told him, "Since you have been to Xijing Hospital, why did you still come to see me? Can we just forget about the herbal medicine?" He said, "Please, I just want to try your treatment."

I knew they would be back and I thought, "Next time he comes, I will tell him the truth of Falun Gong and encourage him to quit the CCP any of its affiliated associations he ever joined. Master will help him. If he begins to practice Falun Gong, he will be saved."

I prescribed five kinds of herbal medicine for him, one for each day. On the fifth day, he called me, "Doctor, I want to come to see you again." I asked him how much medicine he had taken so far. He said he had not even finished four sets. "What do you want to see me for?" "I just want to talk to you, I am cured," he insisted. I replied, "What are you talking about? It has only been a couple of days, please don't come." He said, "I am well indeed. In the past, I could hardly sleep. Even if I tried to lie down half way, I would cough like crazy. I could not breathe. Now I can sleep." I told him to come back after he finishes his medicine. He said, "I have to come sooner or later, so why not tomorrow?"

The next day, he walked into my office and said, "I am in a hurry to see you because I want to ask you for the thing. My cousin who referred me here asked me what you had told me or gave to me. My cousin also said you told him 'Your condition was difficult to cure and very expensive to treat." You told him a few words and gave him a card. Later my cousin followed your advice to read the words on the card, and his disease was cured miraculously. He told me that I could borrow that card and read the words on it repeatedly. After I get another one from you, I will have to return this card to him. After I began to read, the next day, I felt much better. That's why I am here and in such a hurry."

I gave him a card and told him about Falun Gong. He also quit the CCP and its affiliations. He also insisted that I give him a few sets of herbal medicine. The third time he came, he did not ask for any medicine. Instead he obtained Zhuan Falun and an exercise tape. He became a practitioner.

Fifth Story

On October 7, 2007, a high school girl in the 11th Grade came to see me. Suffering from allergic purpura, her body was swollen and her face was covered with purple marks. She was very depressed. She told me that since February, when her problem began, she had sought medical assistance from many doctors and taken lots of medicine. But nothing helped her, and she no longer wanted to live. She asked me if I could help her. I said, "Of course I can, how can a child be so pessimistic?" I gave her five sets of herbal medicine. During her second visit, she looked better. I started to tell her something about Falun Gong and prescribed five more sets. On her third visit, her condition had remarkably improved. I again told her to repeatedly recite "Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good," and stop taking the medicine. I told her that it was Master, not my medicine, who saved her. I also convinced her to quit the Communist Youth League. She didn't fully understand my point, "I just began to gain some confidence and decided to try more medicine, why do you stop giving me prescriptions?" Because she insisted, I gave her five more sets of herbs. On her next visit, she was completely cured, and did not ask for any medicine. She asked for a copy of Zhuan Falun and began to practice Falun Gong.

She is a nice girl with good grades, and her family has high hopes for her. After she got ill, many people came to help and provide comfort. After they heard that she was cured, everyone was very happy for her. She told everyone that Master Li saved her life. Many people began practicing Falun Gong. Her parents, siblings, cousins, uncles, a total of eight persons obtained their own copies of Zhuan Falun and MP3 players with Master's lectures. They all wanted to know more about Falun Gong. About one hundred people received the cards with the words, "Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." Most of them have quit their membership in the Party and affiliated organizations.

May 26, 2009