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My Brother-in-law Overcame Drug Addiction by Practicing Falun Dafa

August 18, 2009 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) My brother-in-law is a truck driver. Earlier this year, my sister discovered he was using drugs. She was shocked and was in tears all day.

At this point, my sister thought that their future life was ruined. My brother-in-law was also regretful and begged my sister to give him another chance. My sister also hoped that he could quit drugs, but she was not optimistic since none of the other drug-addicts she knew about were able to quit successfully. Thinking about this, she was very sad for herself and her two young children. She also regretted not listening to her parents but instead chose to marry my brother-in-law. On the other hand, she knew that the most important thing to do was to help her husband quit drugs.

After hearing about this, I told both my sister and her husband to recite "Falun Dafa is good", since I knew Dafa could save them.

The next day, my sister read Falun Gong books to her husband, but he fell asleep when listening. In the evening, my sister called me saying her husband was having strong cravings for drugs. She was afraid he could not withstand it and asked me to come over. I agreed to go and I told her to believe in Dafa.

One hour later, I took an MP3 player carrying Master's lectures to my sister's house. Her husband was afraid that if he quit, the drug dealers there would cause trouble and report him to the police. In the end, they decided to go to my father's place.

They stayed at my father's place for several days and listened to Master's Fa lectures every day. After spending the first evening listening to the lectures, my brother-in-law's pain started to subside and his bones did not hurt as much as before. On the second evening, he had bloody diarrhea. It took him an entire day and night to rid himself of all the poison in his body. On the fifth day, my brother-in-law had improved dramatically. On the sixth day, he was able to go out and resume working as a truck driver.

With the compassionate help of Master Li, my brother-in-law was able to overcome his addiction to drugs in five days without medication. From this, both he and my sister witnessed the miraculous effect of Falun Gong.

Now, several months have passed. My sister and her husband have been listening to Master's Fa lectures every day. My sister used to cough and had inflammation in her tonsils. Now there are no traces of those problems at all. My brother-in-law's weight has also returned to normal. My sister said she had never seen him so healthy in the past several years.

Here I would like to thank Master Li on behalf of my sister and her husband. Dafa is indeed miraculous.

August 7, 2009