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The Power of Saving Sentient Beings through Widely Distributing Shen Yun DVDs in China

August 24, 2009 |   By a practitioner from Guangdong Province

(Clearwisdom.net) For the last two years, when reading articles on the Internet, I would first read about Shen Yun's world tour. I am happy and moved to tears reading about Shen Yun's performances around the world and their impact on saving sentient beings. I have developed a strong sense of responsibility to widely spread Shen Yun.

One day when I dropped off my child at school, I saw four women in their 50s chatting. I sent forth righteous thoughts and walked up to them with a smile. I took out the Shen Yun DVDs from my bag and gave each of them a copy. They turned to me with a strange look. I calmly said, "Aunties, this is show of singing and dance performances that promotes the true traditional Chinese culture of 5000 years. People who see it will have good fortune. I would like to give this to you to watch. I drop off my child at this school every day, so I'm not deceiving you." After I said that, each of them took a CD. Several days later, I met them again in front of the gate of the school. They happily talked to me about how wonderful the show is. They said that no matter whose home they visited among the four of them, they would watch the Shen Yun show. The more they watch it, the better they feel it is, and the more they want to watch it. When I met them again some time later, I gave them the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, and other truth-clarification materials. I also ask them to tell their families about the truth and beauty of Dafa. Now we are like friends and they have even invited me to their homes.

Many Chinese people think that Shen Yun is a Falun Gong show. If they mention this to me, I tell them that many of the performers in the show cultivate Falun Dafa, but, "The show is about the 5000 years of traditional Chinese culture that ranges from the emergence of human life to the modern world. The program includes stories of Mulan, the famous poet Li Bai, the legendary monk Ji Gong, etc. The show has performed in over 80 cities around the world, yet you can't see it in China even if you have money. This is why I use my own money to make the DVDs of the Shen Yun performance so that you can truly learn about our Chinese culture that has been passed down by the divine." After hearing this, people will usually take the disks and thank me. Some people who know the truth will also ask for other truth-clarification materials.

I have been widely distributing the Shen Yun performance disks for over half a year. I give them to people face-to-face. I try to distribute several or over 10 disks a day and sometimes I can distribute 20-40 disks. I use every opportunity to give out the disks. Therefore, it doesn't take too much time for me to distribute them. It is just like what a fellow practitioner once said, that cultivating inward should be just as natural as breathing. I think it this also applies to distributing the Shen Yun disks because, "...the quality of absolute beauty that permeates a Shen Yun performance really can have the effect of saving sentient beings and stirring the soul. The impact of this will only grow greater and greater as Shen Yun keeps performing in the time ahead." As long as we do it with our hearts, everything will work out like Master says, "Cultivation is up to you, gong is up to the master." (Zhuan Falun)

The city where I live is not big. After I distributed the disks, I often run into the same people who had taken the disks. At first, I was afraid to talk to them due to my attachment of fear. I later realized that it wasn't right. We do not distribute Shen Yun disks to people as a formality of everyday people or to see how many we can give out. What we are doing is saving people! After realizing this, I took the initiative to learn how they felt after watching the show. If people who had the disk for a long time and had not watched the show yet, I would sincerely ask them to watch it and pass the disk on to their friends and families, so they too will be blessed. Most of them tell me that they will do so and thank me. Of course, there are a few people who wouldn't take the disks because they were fearful or misled by the Chinese Communist Party's lies. Some of them were very hostile and even yelled at me. Facing these types of people, we should still be calm. Because of the principle of mutual-generation and mutual-inhibition, if there are people who believe, there will be people who disbelieve. All of us cultivate in this delusion. As long as we firmly believe in Master and Dafa, we can do well.

Seeing people awaken one after another, I believe more firmly in the responsibility and mission of making and spreading Shen Yun disks. In order to save time, I installed three more DVD writers onto my computer this June. Thus, I can ensure both the quality and quantity of the Shen Yun disks and also make copies for my fellow practitioners to distribute. I think that as a cultivator, no matter what kind of materials we make, we should do it with our hearts because they are the tools we use to save people.

Under Master's direction, the 2007-2009 Shen Yun shows are effective in cleansing the party culture thoughts of everyday people and practitioners. I have deeply felt it. I am grateful for all the sacrifices that Master has made to compassionately save sentient beings, and to Shen Yun Performing Arts for using pure art to awaken people. This has allowed me to catch up with the progress of Fa-rectification. We will not stop clarifying the truth as long as the evil persecution hasn't stopped.


August 9, 2009