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The More We Clarify the Truth, the Safer We Are

August 25, 2009 |   By a practitioner in mainland China


I started practicing Falun Gong in 1997. I finished reading Zhuan Falun, and shed many grateful tears having finally found my purpose in life.

After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, I had to look again at myself. I realized that I had a mission--it was no longer just about personal cultivation. After being persecuted twice, I further understood the seriousness of cultivation practice and the preciousness of the Fa. My true nature was awakening: I cannot deviate from assisting Master in Fa-rectification. I must be responsible for sentient beings in the cosmos.

Then how to validate Dafa? Master is rectifying the Fa with harmonization and magnificence. Dafa practitioners of course need to validate the magnificence of Dafa, rather than validate how they are doing a good job and to cultivating to a high level during persecution. Therefore, I had to eliminate the fear of being persecuted because this should not stay in a practitioner's mind. This reflects how much faith you have in Master and Dafa.

People's perception of Falun Dafa depends on a Dafa practitioner's behavior. If I didn't do things well, it is not just a problem of personal consummation. Whether our words and actions comply with Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance will decide the continuance or termination of great cosmic bodies and also decide whether innumerable sentient beings can be saved. Having this thought, all kinds of Xinxing tests can be overcome because my first thoughts are: What kind of consequences would my behavior bring to Dafa?

I changed my lifestyle and now step out of my home to chat with people in the neighborhood. I bring presents to visit friends, participate in various gatherings, and help others. While doing these things and chatting with people, I tell them how Dafa teaches me to be a good person and about how the Tiananmen Square self-immolation incident was totally staged by the Chinese Communist Party. The last thing I mention is quitting the CCP. In addition to talking, I also listen carefully and find out what people's misconceptions are. Then I can address these issues and many people change their attitude towards Dafa and become live media spreading the truth about Dafa.

Sometimes I take my child in a stroller and go to stores where I haven't clarified the truth before. It is easy to strike up a conversation when I have a child with me. I don't bargain for lower prices and I never miss a single store. Some kindhearted people told me: "Be careful, don't talk about Dafa to other people." I said frankly, " I am not afraid. There is no hope for this society if people have to behave so secretly and cowardly!" I try to talk calmly and make people think.

I never stop making friends. Many people like to talk to me and ask questions like: "What does Falun Gong teach about this problem?" I clarify the truth using the wisdom given by Dafa and in ways that are acceptable to them. I often tell stories to arouse people's benevolent thoughts. Someone said: "Are you a teacher? Why do you know so many things?" I understand Master is doing everything for us, all I have is my wish to save people.

I moved three times in 1999. I practiced Falun Gong on the patio and clarified the truth in my subdivision. I have been protected everywhere I go. Once a doorman protected me, nearly starting a fight with a person who wanted to report me. I believe that the more we clarify the truth, the safer we are, as the people we meet are connected to us and the more they know the truth the purer our environment becomes.

I am very pleased to validate the beauty of Dafa. I live happily and dress nicely. The environment at home and in the workplace is for saving people.

I always have one thought: "I come to the human world not for making money or to enjoy life. My money is to be used for saving people. The old forces are not allowed to touch a penny. Any financial persecution that would limit my ability to validate the Fa will be disintegrated. Other people think my financial condition is good. In fact, I don't have a lot of savings. However, I have money whenever needed.

Only through diligent cultivation can I repay Master.