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Being a Particle in Fa Rectification

August 26, 2009 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner from Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province

(Clearwisdom.net) After hearing my husband, colleagues, and others extol the virtues of Falun Gong and the many miracles that had occurred in their own lives, I decided to take up the practice in 2004.

I used to be so ill from the many diseases that I had, that I would be overjoyed if I went just three days without having to take medicine. After hearing about Falun Gong, I had just one thought in my mind: "If a powerful qigong practice like this really does exist, then I will do whatever it takes for it to cure me!"

Ever since I received a copy of Zhuan Falun from a practitioner that I knew, I have read the book over and over. After first reading the book for a couple of days, I started experiencing many profound changes in my body, including sweating profusely and having a fever of 104 degrees Fahrenheit. When I told this practitioner what was going on, she explained that the Teacher of Falun Gong was taking care of me and was cleansing my body.

By continuously studying the different writing of Falun Gong and doing the five gentle exercises, I gradually came to understand that Teacher wasn't just cleansing each practitioners' body, he was also saving sentient beings and bringing genuine practitioners back to their Original True Self.

In 2005, we set up a Fa study group at my home. When I saw fellow practitioners struggling to produce truth clarification materials, I wanted to help out. I discussed the idea with my husband and found out that he, too, had the same idea but never voiced it. When I told the other practitioners what we wanted to do, they were very happy. So, with the help of a few knowledgeable practitioners, we quickly set up a truth clarification material production site at our home.

One of the top priorities before us was to print the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. While my husband downloaded the text files from the Internet and printed them off, another practitioner and I bound the pages into books. Things went rather smoothly at first, but not long after, our printers started malfunctioning and paper jams and printer cartridge issues became very common occurrences.

I always attributed these problems to my advanced age or to my ignorance of modern technologies, so I always had to rely on the more technically-minded practitioners whenever problems arose. When any of our printing devices started malfunctioning, I would always complain to my husband, "It happens because of your poor Xinxing and the many human attachments that you still have!"

When he argued back at me in a loud voice, I often went silent. I realized that I should be more tolerant, but I could not help feeling pained in my heart, and, as a result, I struggled. I realized that my ability to endure was only superficial.

By studying the Fa and looking inward, I found that many of the problems that had occurred were due directly to my unrighteous thoughts. I realized that I still had so many human attachments buried deep inside me, such as the desire to fight and compete, hatred, selfishness, excessive dependency on others, and the inability to cooperate with others. These attachments prevented me from improving along with the others and forming one body. After I discovered these hidden attachments, I made up my mind to get rid of them.

One day my husband and I were at odds with each other, but instead of reacting, I thought to myself, "My husband is in his seventies and yet he still dedicates so much of his time printing truth clarifying materials. Isn't this a great thing?! Does an ordinary person have the heart to do this, day after day?" Then I turned to him and said in a lighthearted voice "I am at fault today. I will work on changing my behavior in this regard." Hearing this, he calmed down immediately, as if nothing had happened.

I was very touched by all of this and shed tears of joy. I knew that Teacher had helped me remove a large chunk of bad material from my body. Thank you, Teacher! Through this ordeal, I came to genuinely comprehend why Teacher has repeatedly taught us to look inside ourselves. I feel this is one of the most important things that a practitioner has to do.

Because I failed to study the Fa well in the beginning, I did not realize the importance of the Nine Commentaries. When I bound the Nine Commentaries books, I often chatted with other practitioners about ordinary people's things. As a result, the books that we worked on were poorly bound. Some of the pages were misaligned and some were even placed upside down.

A fellow practitioner working alongside me commented, "We all need to look inward at ourselves because the problems that we are facing here, have to do with our xinxing. The Nine Commentaries exposes the evilness of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and disintegrates it, and thus it can save sentient beings. It is a book that the CCP fears, so we must take it seriously and work with compassion in our hearts. Only in this way can we save more sentient beings."

When I looked inward, I was astounded to find so many loopholes in my xinxing. I realized that these loopholes had negatively effected our efforts to save sentient beings, which is no trivial thing.

We all decided not to chat when we produced the Nine Commentaries books. Instead, we listened to the audio CD of the Nine Commentaries and music composed by fellow practitioners. As a result, things dramatically changed for the better, and the books we produced were neat and error-free. We now find that we can produce the books in half the time than we used to and without getting tired.

Teacher says:

"The field at our practice site is better than any other. If you can just do the exercises in that field, you're better off than if you had your health problem treated. My Law Bodies sit in a circle, there's a dome over the energy field where we practice, and above the dome there's a huge Law Wheel and a great Law Body guarding the field. This field is no ordinary field--it's not like the field at the average practice site. It's a cultivation field. "

(Zhuan Falun)

I asked, "Isn't our truth clarification material site also a cultivation field and hasn't Teacher also placed a dome over it?" With this in mind, we became even more diligent in our work and more cognizant of the integral role we each play in producing truth clarification materials.

In order to do the three things well, we carefully organize our time. During the day, we print and bind the Nine Commentaries books, distribute them to people, then clarify the truth about Falun Gong to them. From 6 p.m. to midnight, or until we go to bed, we practice the five Falun Gong exercises and study the Fa. We also send forth righteous during the four set times each day, no matter how busy we are. Since we've been doing things this way for so long, we all feel very energetic.

The above are a few of the many experiences that we've encountered while making truth clarification materials. Comparing myself to even more diligent practitioners, I can see that I still have a long way to go to catch up to them. I still have a lot of human attachments that I have to let go of to meet Teacher's requirements. At the last stage of Fa rectification, I will be even more diligent in my cultivation and not let Teacher down.