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Nobody Distributes the Party Magazine Because No One Believes In It

August 08, 2009 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) In a city in Liaoning province, the office for senior police officers in a police station always used to buy a monthly Chinese Communist Party (CCP) magazine called Communist Party Members for all the retired police officers. It is a rule that every retired police officer must have one copy. But recently it has been found that over the past two years, the office hasn't distributed the magazine.

The Communist Party Member is published and distributed under the command of the Organization Department of the Liaoning Provincial Government. It orders all CCP members in organizations that are its subordinates to buy and read the magazine. In some workplaces, they find it difficult to distribute the Communist Party Member. In other places, nobody will distribute it because nobody wants to read it. The parcel that contains the magazines is never opened and is sold as waste paper.

Two years ago, a police officer who had just completed the formalities for retirement from the city police station, threw away his "Introduction Letter of the Relationship of Party Member Organization"as soon as he stepped out of the police station gates. As he threw the letter away, he cursed, "I will not listen to the CCP anymore." It should be noted that after retiring, a CCP member should be registered and administered by the community and neighborhood committee. Former police officers who have retired also need to pay at least 30 to 50 yuan party fees every month, which equates to 360 to 600 yuan a year (10f their salary).

One retired police officer used to keep all his copies of the Communist Party Member magazine, but since he read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and What Kind of Person Is Jiang Zemin, he said, "Look at all these bad things that Jiang Zemin has done." He also said, "What has been said in the Nine Commentaries is correct." He then sold all his Communist Party Member magazines as waste paper. He also tore up his picture of former CCP leader Mao. He thought: even the general secretary of the party can do such evil things, the party must not be good. To keep all these copies can only harm others and he could not be a part of it.

This former police officer now loves to read truth clarification materials, and keeps all of them after reading them. Dafa practitioners gave him amulets with the Chinese characters "Falun Dafa is Good", "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is Good"and "Happiness Bestowed by Heaven"on them. He always wears them.

Another retired police officer's wife said, "I believe in Falun Gong. I recite "Falun Dafa is Good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is Good" every day.

In fact, many retired police officers know that Heaven will eliminate the CCP and have already published statements to say they quit the CCP and its related organizations, and want to choose a beautiful future for themselves. Who will ever want the Communist Party Member magazine again? Nobody believes in the CCP and nobody wants it anymore. It is like a plague.

July 25, 2009