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Released from Detention with the Power of Righteous Thoughts

September 30, 2009 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Shandong Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I began to practice Falun Gong in 1996 and have tried to do things according to the Fa, but sometimes I've lacked diligence.

In May 2009, police found fliers with information about Falun Gong and Falun Gong signs in my car and went to my home, where they confiscated a picture of Master and Dafa books. I was taken to the local detention center and told I was sentenced to a labor camp for one year. I had no fear but kept sending righteous thoughts to get rid of the evil factors behind them and explained the facts to them. My family member also tried to rescue me. I thought it over--why I was taken there, and what kind of attachments did I harbor to make them to take me there? In the following days I searched inside.

Usually I can't see anything in other dimensions, but on the fourth day of detention I perceived Master right beside me. Master looked serious, and beside Master were lots of other divine beings. I couldn't see them clearly. Suddenly I heard a voice ask, "Do you feel regret?" All kinds of feelings welled up in my heart, and tears ran down my face. I said, "I have waited for thousands of years for the Fa, practiced the Fa for so many years, and derived tremendous benefit from the practice. Why should I feel regret? I would like to contribute all my belongings including my life for Dafa." When I finished speaking, Master and the divine beings gradually disappeared.

I couldn't help crying and had to wash my face to avoid being found crying. I cried for a long time, and then I sent righteous thoughts to get rid of all the evil factors that were persecuting me. Master doesn't admit the persecution, and, because I am a Dafa disciple, neither do I. I just kept sending forth righteous thoughts.

Several days later I suddenly had a feeling that the ward I was imprisoned in had imploded. Many black things were scattering in all directions. I wanted to chase them but was stunned when I looked up. So many Dafa disciples were surrounding me, glinting. Golden rays of light were all over the sky. Evil factors came to naught in a second. I stood there without any thought, but tears streamed down my face. I could never imagine that so many Dafa disciples were helping me, but I really now understand what Master means when he says that we practitioners are one body. I went to the restroom to cry again, and I really appreciated Master and practitioners. After that my righteous thoughts became stronger. I knew that I shouldn't be detained in that place and must be released. So many sentient beings I am responsible for needed rescuing. Master arranges everything, and no one can interfere. In the following days I found that Master indeed arranges things perfectly, in a profound and indiscernible way. I was so grateful that I almost wanted to cry again.

Gold will shine wherever it is. I am a Dafa disciple and should let others know that Dafa is good wherever I go. I often explained the facts about Dafa to the other prisoners and let them know that remembering "Falun Dafa is good, Compassion-Truthfulness-Forbearance is good" would bring them good fortune. Several days later when I asked them whether they still remembered, someone shouted, "Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!" And they didn't call me by my name but called me "Falun." I was not against them calling me that. It reminded me at every moment to remember Dafa is good.

Some of them were members of the Chinese Communist Party and its Youth League, and all agreed to resign from those organizations. Several days later when I was released, I asked them to remember what I had said. They all nodded. One of them said to me, "Don't forget!" I knew what he meant--to do the three withdrawals (withdrawing from the CCP and its two youth organizations) for him. I nodded and said I would not forget.

These were some of my experiences. When I returned home, I learned that fellow practitioners had gone to places near the detention center to post many signs telling the facts. They also collected contact information on those responsible and sent righteous thoughts to rescue me. Practitioners abroad also phoned my captors to explain the facts. Practitioners should be given credit for my quick release.

As Master said, "When disciples have ample righteous thoughts Master has the power to turn back the tide" ("The Master-Disciple Bond," Hong Yin Volume II)

Thinking about my loopholes I found these: lacking diligence in my cultivation, spending less time studying the Fa, not doing the exercises at the set time, seldom sending righteous thought at 12:00 a.m., less diligent distribution of informational materials, being choosey when explaining the facts, still having conflicts with non-practitioners, being indignant toward unfairness, and playing computer games.

I really feel ashamed in the face of Master's compassionate salvation. I must make great efforts to do well with the three things and compensate for previous losses.

I share my experiences with practitioners in hopes that we can advance together. Please correct me if I made any mistakes.

September 14, 2009