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Ms. Zhang Ying Detained for Three Months

January 02, 2010 |  

Name: Zhang Ying (张英)
Gender: Female
Age: 39
Address: Unit 502, No. 13 Nada Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai City
Occupation: Unknown
Date of Most Recent Arrest: September 8, 2009
Most recent location of detention: Changning District Detention Center (长宁看守所 )
City: Shanghai

Persecution Suffered: Detention, beatings, forced labor, force-fed, handcuffed, hung up
Key Persecutors:
Zhou Zheng (周正), Wei Liguang (魏理光 ), Zhu Fengming (朱奉明), QianJun (钱俊), Chen Ying (陈英)

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Zhang Ying was arrested by Wei Liguang, head of the Changning Police Department, and police officer Wang Yu on the afternoon of September 8, 2009. In the police station, she was hung by her wrists handcuffed behind her back, and as ordered by Wei Liguang, was then tortured by Zhu Fengming, Qian Jun and Chen Ying (female). She passed out many times from the pain. She was subsequently taken to the Shanghai Prison Hospital for emergency treatment. She has now been detained for three months.

Ms. Zhang's parents, who are both in their eighties, went to the Changning District Police Department and Appeals Division many times to request an investigation into the torture events, and the release of Ms. Zhang. The police rejected their requests and claimed that they would sue her. The couple had no choice but to sit at the entrance of the police department and wait for their daughter.

Ms. Zhang Ying, a practitioner from the Baoshan District, Shanghai

Ms. Zhang's elderly parents sit at the entrance of Changning District Police Department

On September 23, 2009, Mr. Zhang Chuanli, a lawyer from Beijing whom Ms. Zhang's family had hired, met Ms. Zhang at the Shanghai Prison Hospital. Mr. Zhang Chuanli said, "When I met Ms. Zhang in the hospital, she had to be supported by others. She could not walk by herself, and she was extremely weak. According to the law, her case is in the investigative stage. Since she was tortured, I have sued the responsible people on her behalf. On September 30, 2009, the police notified me that the arrest warrant of Ms. Zhang had been issued. I then also applied for her release on bail pending trial, but it was rejected."

This is the fourth time that Ms. Zhang has been arrested and detained. Even when she was critically ill, the authorities of the Changning District Detention Center did not do a physical check-up on her, but took Wei Liguang's word as their basis and admitted her. When Ms. Zhang's parents-in-law asked the police officers why they arrested people and ransacked their homes without any legal documents, officer Yang Ying unexpectedly declared, "We arrest people first, and then come up with the evidence later."

Mr. Lan Bing, Ms. Zhang's husband, was sentenced to ten years in prison. At the Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai City, he was persecuted to the point of becoming almost blind. He had just returned home for several months and they were finally reunited when Ms. Zhang was detained again. They both suffered persecution soon after they got married.

The Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) ten-year-long persecution brought grave misery to this family. In 2001, both Ms. Zhang and Mr. Lan were arrested soon after they got married. She was detained in the Xinzhuang Police Station, where she was interrogated and mistreated for seven days. Later she was handcuffed for two months in the Minhang District Detention Center, and then taken to a forced labor camp where she was tortured. This was the first time that Ms. Zhang was arrested.

Only six months after she was released from the labor camp, she was arrested a second time when she went to the Dachang Police Station to apply for a resident permit. At that time she was detained in the Baoshan District Detention Center for fifteen days. There she held a hunger strike to protest the persecution and was force-fed. Fifteen days later, she was taken to the Qingpu Brainwashing Center before she was released.

Ms. Zhang was arrested for the third time on the morning of September 24, 2005, by police officers from the Baoshan District 610 Office based on a ridiculous charge of "browsing the Internet." This time she was detained in the Qingpu Women's Forced Labor Camp for one year. She developed hypertension and heart disease due to mistreatment there.

Ms. Zhang was released in September 2006. The local police station ordered her family to report her condition, and assigned thugs to keep track of her around the clock. Her family was constantly harassed. Her elderly parents lived under a tense atmosphere and it was hard to lead a normal life.

After suffering ten years of a long stressful time period, both Ms. Zhang's parents and parents-in-law are utterly exhausted, both physically and mentally. They said indignantly, "Our daughter Zhang Ying did not do anything to violate the law. She just persists in practicing her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Is that a crime? Did she do any harm to anyone?"

Earlier report: http://www.clearwisdom.net/html/articles/2009/11/5/112105.html