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Take Action According to Your Level of Enlightenment

January 31, 2010 |  


I started to practice Falun Gong in 2005. For the first few years, I cultivated diligently and eagerly studied the Fa. When I first studied Zhuan Falun, it felt completely new and true. It was what I had been looking for all my life.

I loved reading ever since I was a little child, and initially I studied the Fa a lot. I was able to achieve a tranquil mind very quickly, according to Master's words in Zhuan Falun (Lecture Eight):

"There is another state in which as one sits for a while, one finds that the legs are gone, and cannot think where the legs went; the body is also gone; the arms are also gone; the hands are also gone--only the head is left. As one keeps practicing, one finds that the head is gone as well, leaving only one's own mind, a little thought that one is practicing here."

I experienced the majority of states described in Zhuan Falun, and my Xinxing improved dramatically in a short period of time. Every time I experienced a tribulation, the corresponding paragraph from the Fa appeared in my mind and I was able to pass the test. When I was doing the mediation, I felt as if Master was lifting me up.

However, for the last half year, I did not pass any tribulations well. I know the reason is that I did not calm down when I was studying the Fa for almost a year now. I suffered huge interference but I did not know from where it was coming. One day I was able to study the Fa but the next day it felt as if my mind were blocked by something. I felt as if a dark cloud was oppressing me and I was upset. I frequently hit myself hard on the head. Once, I even thought that I could no longer cultivate. Many times, I looked inward and sent righteous thoughts without any effect. Sometimes I also looked outwards for help but I could not find a reason.

Two weeks ago, I stood in front of Master's photo and asked Master to enlighten me. Just then, an image from the TV appeared in my mind. I did not think that the TV was a problem because I usually only watch half an hour of a certain program with my non-practitioner husband during dinner. I had considered this program to be rather righteous. A few days later, I asked Master to enlighten me again, and again the image of a TV appeared. At this point, I realized that I could not watch TV any longer. I shared this insight with a practitioner who happened to have the same problem. That fellow practitioner only watched children's cartoons with his grandson.

I had previously read some articles written by fellow practitioners who warned us that TV programs are an insidious form of CCP propaganda. The programs are intended for the general public. These programs play on fame, profit and emotions, which we practitioners should try to let go of. Still, we all thought that it would not a big deal if we just watched for a little while.

The day after I understood that I should not watch TV, my Fa study turned back to normal. I felt the black cloud disappear from my mind. The material that separated me from Dafa also disappeared. I can study whenever I want. The fellow practitioner I mentioned above had the same experience. I have not had the same problem again. I hope that all practitioners will pay attention to the issue of watching TV.

Through this experience, I understood that there is no small thing in cultivation. Everyone should adjust their actions according to his or her level of enlightenment. It is just as Master said,

"Whenever there is interference of one kind or another in qigong practice, you should look for reasons within yourself and determine what you still have not let go" (Zhuan Falun, Lecture Six).