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Fully Appreciate the Opportunities for People to Obtain the Fa, and Help New Practitioners in Their Cultivation

October 12, 2010 |   By a Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) As the facts about Dafa are more widely shared, ordinary people now understand the truth. Many want to join Dafa cultivation. Some are trying to understand Falun Gong and its principles. Some have requested Dafa books from practitioners. Some want to join group Fa study and group exercises. It just like what Master said: "Human societies are changing. People's understanding of Dafa is starting to happen gradually, just like an epiphany, just like the occurrence of ice melting." ("Fa Teaching Given at the 2010 New York Fa Conference" - provisional translation, Question & Answer section)

New practitioners have different situations. Some have worked hard, with heart consciousness, and studied the Fa regularly, set high requirements for themselves, improved their xinxing quickly, and experienced momentous physical changes. These people have a broad understanding of the Falun Gong truths before them. They know a lot about the miraculous changes Dafa has brought to people and how Dafa has been embraced throughout the world. They recognize that Dafa is a great Fa that can take people back to their true selves. They cultivate solidly and work hard. Of course, some are in the process of understanding the Fa, which is demonstrated by the fact that they borrowed books from fellow practitioners. Some do not spend much time studying. Others have abandoned cultivation altogether.

I remember that a fellow practitioner urged to me not to write in Zhuan Falun when he handed me the book at the time I obtained the Fa. He told me that the book directs people how to cultivate in Dafa, and that I should take care of it, wash my hands before reading, not get the book dirty, not fold pages or casually put the book anywhere, and other basic considerations to which I should pay attention. I then knew how to take care of Dafa books.

For new practitioners, every movement may influence them because they are just starting to study the Fa and have not yet gained a deep understanding. As veteran practitioners, we start from small things, kindly do our best in our responsibilities and form an environment in which to advance together. That is how we walk a correct cultivation path. Our group cultivation also becomes more solid and harmonized.

Given the persecution, the Chinese Mainland is very short of Dafa books. Dafa books are carefully produced by practitioners at several material production sites. Generating funding and materials, and allocating various manufacturing processes, the manufacturing costs and workloads are enormous. The seriousness of cultivation is present.

Because of the above, I think we should tell people how precious it is to have Dafa books when people come to study the Fa and ask for Dafa books. Encourage others to truly take care of Dafa books, and respect Master and the Fa. We should also communicate with new practitioners more on their cultivation. For those starting to know Dafa, we try not to abandon them. When clarifying the truth about Falun Gong in depth, we can lead them to listen to Master's Fa lectures in audio formats; for those who want to learn the Fa we note to them that the audio can be copied onto USB drives or MP3 players. Gradually, we share our cultivation experiences based on the Fa. When they have a certain understanding of the Fa and want to cultivate, that will be a good time to give them a copy of Zhuan Falun. In doing so, we are being responsible for people's cultivation. At the same time, we respect fellow practitioners' hard work at material sites, and truly value Dafa resources.

Creating a stable group Fa study environment is a Fa requirement, and is very important for our cultivation improvement. We all have good experiences in practice. Many new practitioners are eager to join group Fa study. So, we should not neglect such an environment. Master also said:

"...with newer students, you shouldn't be too hasty. It's all right for them to take their time. But you should try your best to advise them to take part in group study sessions, because the group study environment is indispensable for your helping each other improve, it is essential.

"Veteran students should create an environment for them so that they can study the Fa and do the exercises together." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2004 International Fa Conference in New York")

Since there are more and more people joining Dafa cultivation, I wanted to to share my cultivation understanding with new practitioners. I welcome all comments.