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Saving People Non-stop with Righteous Thoughts and Actions

October 15, 2010 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a blind Falun Gong practitioner. I asked another practitioner to help me write down this experience of my cultivation.

Negating the old forces' arrangements with righteous thoughts

In 2005, a neighbor of mine called the police while I was telling people the facts of the persecution, and I was arrested.

Teacher told us in "Teaching the Fa at the Meeting with Asia-Pacific Students,"

"Even if the sky were to fall, a cultivator's righteous thoughts would stay unshaken--that is cultivation, and that is remarkable. (Applause) A cultivator is not attached to anything in this world."

My only thoughts were to not cooperate with the evil forces, not to sell out practitioners, and to get out with righteous thoughts.

In order to find out who I was working with, the police let me go home first before they took me to a detention center. But I knew what they had planned, and so, as soon as I got home, I left my home so that the police could not find me.

Through studying the Fa teachings, I eliminated a lot of fear. At first I was afraid that if I went home again, my neighbor would see me and report me again. I realized that I have to practice openly and nobly and that I should not be afraid. If I ran into the neighbor who reported me, I would tell her the facts of the persecution of Falun Gong. I believed that Teacher would help me, and I decided to go home.

I put in more time studying the teachings and sending forth righteous thoughts. I exposed the crimes of the Party secretary and the police, who had illegally searched my house, on the Internet.

A few days later, the Party secretary came to my house. I let her in and sent forth righteous thoughts at the same time. She asked me whether I still practiced Falun Gong, and I told her I did. I told her about how I had improved after I began the practice. Her cell phone rang and she left. She came back to my house twice after that. Each time, I sent forth righteous thoughts and clarified the facts about the persecution to her. She did not know what to say and left shortly afterward.

I realized that miracles often happen when we study the teachings frequently, act and think righteously, negate the arrangements of the old forces, and clarify the facts.

Clarifying the truth and saving sentient beings

I took every opportunity to clarify the truth--at the market, in cars, chatting with neighbors, meeting with family and friends.

One day, I got a phone call informing me that my father was dying of an illness. After I got in a taxi, I was worried and sad, fearing that I would not get to see my father for the last time. I soon realized that the taxi driver needed to be saved and that I could not let human sentiments affect my responsibility. I calmed down and thought, "I want to save the driver and eliminate the evil elements that prevent him from listening to the truth." I asked him whether he was a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) member, and he denied it. After that I told him the facts about the persecution, and he told me that he was indeed a CCP member but wanted to quit. After I arrived at the hospital, he offered not to take the taxi fare from me, but I still paid him. When I saw that my father had left us for good, while others were crying, I noticed that my sorrow had been washed away, because I had just saved a being.

During the past years of the persecution, I have resolved family problems with compassion and patience. My husband understood what I was doing and my relatives quit the CCP.

Though I cannot see, I can hear Teacher's voice when I need help and I can share experiences with practitioners I work with. I thank practitioners and those kind people who have helped me. When I want to go out and get things done, Teacher arranges for a neighbor to ask me out. I am the luckiest person, because I have Falun Dafa. I want to follow Teacher and walk my path well.