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As Long As There Is One Thread of Hope

October 21, 2010 |   Written by Yifan


No Hesitation in Saving Sentient Beings

I have a colleague who does not practice Falun Gong. Different from most Chinese, she is a straightforward and naive person who always treats other people with sincerity, like a westerner. I had some association with her and found that she was the kind of person that I liked, so I considered finding an opportunity to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to her. I wanted to arrange an occasion for truth clarification, either by inviting her for dinner or going out for a walk with her. Right when I was trying to find a way, we got a chance to go to another city for an academic seminar. At night we stayed in the same hotel room. I knew this was a good chance arranged by Teacher to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to her. I believed it had been arranged for us to go to the conference so she could be saved.

We both had to give a talk the next day, so we prepared for the talk in the hotel room that night. We needed to revise our speeches, but her laptop suddenly broke down and stopped working. Although it was also urgent for me to use my laptop, I lent it to her. She used my laptop and made many changes to her talk. When she finished, it was already 10 p.m. She was very grateful to me and apologized for having taken so much time. I immediately realized that this was a precious chance to talk to her about Falun Gong. If I went ahead and revised my talk, I would possibly lose this chance. I then decided to give up revising my talk for the next day and began to chat with her. I began by asking her if she had any religious faith. She told me she believed in the existence of gods but did not revere any particular one. Step by step, I mentioned to her the great wave of quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations and told her what Falun Gong actually was. I talked about the nature of the CCP and its former head Jiang Zemin and why he feared Falun Gong's principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance so much. I told her the details about Falun Gong practitioners' appealing outside the Zhongnanhai compound on April 25, 1999 and why the CCP had to persecute Falun Gong. I also told her that the CCP even fabricated the self-immolation in Tiananmen Square to justify its persecution.

Then I came to why people must quit the CCP by telling her the well known ancient legend about the prophetic stone lion with red eyes as an illustration. The whole process went smoothly and she was very intrigued by my words. At last I gave her a pseudonym "Zheng," which means righteousness, and asked her to quit the CCP under that name. She was very grateful and said happily: "That is great. Let heaven and earth be my testament: I, Zheng, quit the malevolent organizations of the CCP today and I shall have no connection to them from today on." At that moment I could clearly sense that she had been waiting for this night all through her countless reincarnations in the remote past. She might have descended to this mundane world despite the extreme risk that she might never be able to return to her home, only because of her conviction that the Fa-rectification would triumph and she would ultimately board the Fa ship, carrying her home in the new cosmos. I was so happy for her that I was in tears. In the meantime I was deeply moved by the power and compassion of Teacher.

Although I made no preparations, my talk the next day was a success. She left before me and after she gave her talk. If I had not grasped those precious two hours, I might never have had any good chances for truth clarification to her in the future.

Only to Save You from the Imminent Danger

It was nearly midnight when I returned home from another city. I had not read the Clearwisdom website for several days during my trip. I laid aside my luggage and promptly opened the web page and started to read, aspiring to compensate for the time that I had lost in the past few days. At that time I received a call from my colleague Xiaoyan. She told me that she was suffering from an acute pain in her stomach and was in need of my help to take her to the hospital. Although the pain had bothered her before, it was unprecedentedly acute this time.

Xiaoyan is an atheist who absolutely believes in no god or karmic retribution. According to my observations, she was not bad by nature, but was severely poisoned by the CCP's atheism. Three months ago I invited her to my home for dinner and spent a whole night clarifying the truth. I told her about the grand dissemination of Dafa around the world, the self-immolation in Tiananmen Square fabricated by the CCP, and the prophetic rock stating the CCP's destruction found in Guizhou Province. I also told her that, because I was a Falun Gong practitioner, I believed I had been protected twice, once when I fell to the ground from several floors above, and another time when I was hit by a car when riding a bicycle. When I came to ask her to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations, she refused. She said: "I know you are a good person, but I do not believe your stories that you were protected when disasters happened to you. I guess I would believe it if such protection really happened to me." I felt quite regretful for her after she left. I made a wish: If she could be saved through some miraculous way, I would ask Teacher to help me create an occasion to let the miracle happen to her. I felt she could be saved only under such a condition and it was the only hope for her salvation.

When I received her call, I immediately realized that it was an arrangement by Teacher to save her. Teacher's poem "Difficulty" came to mind:

"Only so that living beings can be saved
Not stopping until beyond the macro and the micro" (Hong Yin II)

Without hesitation, I went to her in haste. Because of the pain her face was twisted and she could not help from groaning loudly. She thought the disease could be very serious this time. I said to her: "Trust me, repeat the words 'Falun Dafa is good' and 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.'" However, because of her strong human notions, she did not do so immediately. Yet the pain became intolerable and she cried out to me: "Can I recite it in my mind?" I said: "Yes, you can, but your mind must be true." Since her home is far from the hospital, calling an ambulance could result in waiting too long, so I called a taxi instead. When the taxi brought us to the gate of the hospital, we were still 300 meters away from the emergency center, but she was unable to walk by herself. I then carried her on my back and ran to the emergency center. In the meantime I told her to recite out loud "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." She recited the phrases out loud repeatedly and I said them with her. When we were at the examination room, her pain had already reduced significantly and her twisted face also returned to normal. During the whole night of emergency treatment and diagnosis, I kept sending forth righteous thoughts for her.

After the physical examination was completed, it turned out that everything was fine with her. It was already 5 a.m. when we returned to her home and her pain was almost gone. I cooked some dinner for her and ate with her. She was very grateful to me and said that I was really a good person. After the dinner, I said to her: "No matter what bad thing happens to you, you must remember to recite the sentence I told you. As you can see, I am not a crazy person at all. Falun Gong is recognized in more than 110 countries. If it were bad, how could you have felt better so quickly? Only the CCP fears Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and slanders the great cosmic law. Do you believe it now? Falun Gong practitioners are not superstitious." She said: "Yes, I believe it. I believe your words." I then took the opportunity to give her the pseudonym "Xinsheng," which means a new life, and asked her to quit the CCP under that name. She agreed this time. Although I did not sleep for a whole night, I was not tired at all. On the contrary, my mind was filled with happiness and I was relieved. Human notions disappeared, and I could sense an emptiness in my dimension that I had never experienced before. I thought that was the best happiness in this world.

Teacher cherishes every single life:

"In terms of the Fa-rectification my purpose is none other than to save all beings, and that includes the world's people, the people on earth. (Applause) So [I] have got to save those who can be saved. How I look at things is different from how you or the world's people do. When a human being sees someone make a mistake he finds it almost unforgivable. But I don't look at things that way. I look at an entire being overall, and even when there's just one thread of hope, I'll give him hope." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Chicago Conference")

Teacher never gives up on me when I fail to live up to his expectations. Every single person in this world is a relative of Teacher. How can we casually give up saving any of them? Although we cannot match the compassion of Teacher, we must try our best with conviction, "Not stopping until beyond the macro and the micro" (Hong Yin II)


All practitioners keep ascending in their truth clarification to the people of the world. What I would share with fellow practitioners is that, if there is a thread of hope, then we should give them the hope. If they refuse to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations, then we can make a second attempt and even multiple attempts, until their long-lost genuine nature is awakened and revived. In any case, as Dafa practitioners, we must do our best for people. Even if we cannot see them, we should ask Teacher to arrange other practitioners to save them. Helping Teacher rectify the Fa is not difficult, but we need to take it seriously. It is Teacher and Dafa that genuinely save sentient beings.

I recently read Teacher's "Fa Teaching Given at the 2010 New York Fa Conference." I found in myself many stubborn human notions like the attachment of showing off, being engrossed, being afraid, cunning self-deceit and selfishness. In cultivation I have many attachments to let go of. Due to the thick deposit of human notions from the countless reincarnations, I sometimes may experience the selfish nature of the old cosmos, but I must negate it whenever I find it and I should never let it hinder my saving sentient beings. I will never let it take control. As a Dafa practitioner, I should be simple-minded, warmhearted, trustworthy and straightforward in making an impression on people. Only then can they recognize me as the Dafa disciple that I am, and only then can my words be convincing and edifying to them. Teacher taught us that to be cunning is very bad, so we must let go of it. I will leave no space for it in my life, and only Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance will prevail. With such righteous thoughts, I can do all of the three things well.

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