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Good and Evil Distinguished Through an Incident at a Detention Center

October 23, 2010 |   By Qingquan from Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) The Wenchuan earthquake two years ago saw many miracles. One of them was a story about dogs rescuing people.

An older woman was buried in the ruins. She was halfway stuck between slabs of concrete. Her situation looked hopeless. Two dogs appeared and became her companions. They brought her bits of food. The dogs licked her face and mouth, to make her feel less thirsty. They remained with her. She was finally rescued 196 hours later.

Historic tales abound of dogs being loyal to their owners and even rescuing them, but the woman in the earthquake story did not own these two dogs. Nevertheless, the above tale is another demonstration of dogs' loyalty to humans and their ability to rescue people from dire situations.

There was an interesting article published on the Minghui website regarding dogs' ability to distinguish between good and evil. Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Lin Qiongfang from Guangyuan, Sichuan Province witnessed the following incident in 2001: A detention center head called a meeting with all detainees. An official read loudly the fabricated "Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation" information. Two dogs on the top of the building started barking. He had to stop reading. Another guard shouted the dogs down and they stopped but barked again as soon as reading continued. The officials panicked. The people were laughing.

Of course, many people in the detention center treated this as a joke; they were not too serious about it, but the following incident made a great impact:

A guard tortured practitioner Ms. Su Qunhua by tying her to a pillar in the yard. The center head and several guards were present. The guard ordered a dog to bite Ms. Su. The chained dog was ready to attack her. Ms. Su was calm and said to the dog "Don't bite me if I do not owe you." The dog did not bite her; instead, it bit through her rope and let her free. This story spread to the whole center and to the streets, and became a topic of debate: the dog, distinguishing between good and evil, didn't bite the practitioner. The guard was worse than the dog.

This incident occurred seven or eight years ago. Any oppressors in the Chinese Communist Party who know of this story will hopefully stop persecuting Falun Gong practitioners and become better people.