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Elderly Practitioners Interfered With by Sickness Karma

October 27, 2010 |   By a Dafa Practitioner in Changchun, China

(Clearwisdom.net) The majority of veteran practitioners at our group exercise site, those who began practicing before the persecution began in 1999, are now in their seventies or eighties. Many of them are experiencing interference by the illusion of sickness karma. Some of their experiences are briefly presented below.

One day this August, Practitioner A couldn't lift up her right arm. She was going to have a CT scan in the hospital. Our local coordinator called and asked us to send righteous thoughts for her at her home. Some other practitioners had noticed that she worshiped two Buddhist statues (of Bodhisattva Guanyin) and reminded her of the importance of committing to one discipline. Practitioner A had admitted to a fellow practitioner that she had signed a "guarantee statement" in 1999 due to her fear of being persecuted. She immediately asked her daughter to write a solemn declaration for her.

The next day, her arm was better but had not yet completely recovered. A practitioner observed through her celestial eye that there were still two Buddhist photos in the house. The entire family searched the house and found the photos. Her arm got better after the two photos were destroyed. Her husband witnessed this miracle and became more diligent in his cultivation.

Practitioner B was suffering sickness karma. She had memory loss, a confused main consciousness and symptoms of irregular heartbeat and blood pressure. The hospital couldn't find the cause.

When two fellow practitioners visited her, she couldn't recognize them. She also couldn't recognize any word in Zhuan Falun. We discussed with her family to let us help Practitioner B regain her health. It was very difficult to communicate with Practitioner B because she lost hearing in one ear at a young age and was near deaf in the other. We couldn't understand what she tried to say.

After the meeting, we decided to work as one body; to not let any fellow practitioner fall behind and to firmly negate the old force arrangements. We arranged to have two practitioners alternate at her house to study the Fa and send forth righteous thoughts every day. Gradually, her memory recovered and she could again read Zhuan Falun. Her speech also improved. The disease couldn't be diagnosed and cured by the hospital. It was cured after two months of studying the Fa and sending righteous thoughts. Her family witnessed the miraculous power of Dafa and they changed their attitude about Dafa.

Practitioner C is in his eighties. One day in August, he felt severe lower back pain and he could not sleep. There were blisters, showing symptoms of herpes zoster. His three daughters decided to study the Fa with him the next day and to frequently send forth righteous thoughts. They also looked inwards for attachments. His daughters reminded him that looking inwards is not only for himself but also for the unmeasurable sentient beings in his cosmic body. He recalled that his colleague's wife grinned at him one time and said that it was time to have a haircut. He felt flirtatious and followed her advice. He then firmly eliminated this bad notion. Two days later, his pain disappeared, the swelling became smaller and the blisters began to heal. The herpes on Practitioner C was completely gone within one week. This shows that the evil is nothing at all.

Fellow practitioners at our group exercise site now understand better about the illusion of sickness karma. When it occurs, we must do the following things:

    1. Negate the sickness karma as an illusion; as persecution.

    2. Send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil.

    3. Look inwards and rectify ourselves.

The above mentioned is my understanding at my current level. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.