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Blessed to Have Cultivated Dafa for Seventeen Years, from Youth to Adulthood

October 05, 2010 |   By Huirong, a Dafa practitioner from Wuhan City


I obtained the Fa in 1993. I was fourteen years old at that time and attending Junior High School. My eyes had not been well since childhood; I was nearsighted. I also had amblyopia (lazy eye) and astigmatism. When I was ten years old, I developed glaucoma. When the illness came on, it was often so painful that I rolled about on the bed. My vision was blurry. My mom took me everywhere to seek treatment, but there was no effect at all. The doctors said the possibility of a complete cure for this kind of disease was very small. Even if I had an operation, there was still a possibility of going blind. At that time, the one thing I worried about the most was whether or not I would awaken to complete darkness the next morning. I constantly struggled with this kind of worry and pain. I thought that if there was a way that I could cure my illness, I would do anything that was asked. In 1988, all kinds of Qigong classes were becoming popular in Chinese society. My mom took me and we learned some Qigong. Because those practices were things based on the level of physical fitness, there was no effect. Master Li Hongzhi held a Qigong seminar in Wuhan City in 1993 and my mom was fortunate to attend it. She came back and told me, "It's different from other Qigong." Because I was busy with my school work, I only attended the lectures once. I sat pretty far away from Master; however, the wonderful and harmonious atmosphere, and Master's compassionate image remained etched in my mind. Since that moment I started walking on the path of Dafa cultivation.

Cultivating Myself and Trusting in Dafa

After I obtained the Fa, I went to the practice site with my mom every day to study the Fa, practice the exercises, and share experiences with other practitioners. After I cultivated for a period of time, my eyes started to exhibit karma elimination. My eyes were red and swollen and ached severely. Master said:

"This is to remove your karma fundamentally. Thus, you will have reactions. Some people may have physical reactions somewhere. Some may feel uncomfortable in one way or another as different kinds of discomfort will manifest. These are all normal." (Zhuan Falun)

I didn't mind it. I persisted to go to the practice site every day and studied the Fa well. Gradually, my sickness karma was eliminated. The glaucoma was also completely cured.

Firmly Believing in Dafa Amidst Persecution

On July 20 of 1999, the unexpected evil slandering campaign from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) caused me to have doubts toward Dafa. But when I thought about this with a calm mind: Dafa cultivates Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance; Dafa had saved so many people who had suffered from severe illnesses; Dafa eliminated the sickness karma for my mom and me. Dafa was not like what the evil CCP had portrayed it to be. I firmly believed in Dafa and Master and refused to accept the persecution.

My mom went to appeal in Beijing. Originally, I also wanted to go. Because of my young age, my mom worried that I might present obstacles for her, and she didn't let me go. After my mom left, I was worried about her.

After three days, I received a phone call from my mom. She actually came back safely. She told me her experience of appealing: When they first arrived at Beijing, there were police everywhere. The practitioners held the banner "Falun Dafa is good!" at the Golden water bridge. And they kept calling: "Falun Dafa is good!" "Return innocence to Master," "Cultivation is innocent." Plainclothes police seized the banner, and took them to the police station at Tiananmen. At the police station, an officer in his twenties cursed ferociously, and beat them with a baton. The practitioners boldly told him, "You can't treat peaceful cultivators like this. We are innocent. Good will be rewarded, and evil will be punished." The police officer replied, "I just simply don't believe that heaven will bring retribution." After he said that, he went to his office. My mom and the others recited loudly Lunyu and poems from Hong Yin together. They were not afraid at all; they had truly let go of the concern for life or death. Within five minutes, the officer came back. He used both of his hands to prop up his head and apologized to them. He said, "When I went to the office just now, my head hurt so much it almost exploded. I was unfair to you. I was wrong. Hurry up, you can leave." When the practitioners walked out of the police station, they all understood that it was their righteous thoughts and righteous actions that eliminated interference from the evil factors in other dimensions. It was also Master's protection that helped them escape from the evil den. This is truly:

"When disciples have ample righteous thoughts
Master has the power to turn back the tide."
("The Master-Disciple Bond" in Hong Yin II)

Assisting Master in Fa-rectification

In the beginning, my mom and I often went to the apartment buildings nearby to distribute truth clarification materials. Later, we clarified the truth to people face to face. As a young person, I often took my reputation into account; I always worried that if I told others about Falun Gong, they would look at me strangely or reject me. Through studying the Fa and reading experience sharing articles on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website, I came to understand that I am very fortunate to have become a Fa-rectification period Dafa disciple. If I didn't validate Dafa and save sentient beings as Master has instructed us, then I haven't fulfilled my vows. Now I still have the opportunity to save those who have a predestined relationship with me. Therefore, every day, before I walk out the door, I always think: "Today I will meet with people who have a predestined relationship to obtain the Fa; I must clarify the truth to him/her." Once, I was reading a book in the library; there was a girl sitting next to me. I felt embarrassed to bother her because she was reading very seriously. But I really wanted to save her. Right at that moment, my son came over; she looked up at my son. She asked me how old my son was, and whether he had started going to school, etc. We started talking to each other informally. As we talked, I started clarifying the truth about Falun Gong to her. After she understood the truth, she immediately agreed to withdraw from the CCP. I realized deeply that if you have the heart to offer salvation to others, Master will create an opportunity for you.

In fact, I have wanted to write down my cultivation insights for a long time. The reason was that I felt truly ashamed when comparing myself to Dafa disciples who have done extremely well. However, the reason I wrote this article was to offer encouragement to young Dafa disciples who obtained the Fa before 1999 like me. Please don't let career, family and children hinder you. You should come back to Dafa, and try your best to do the three things well.